A family gathers to celebrate Gillian's 37th birthday, which is also the 2nd anniversary of her death. Her husband has not yet come to terms with her death and often spends the evening with her ghost on the beach. — Genre: ... more »Feature Film-Drama
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 6/13/2022...
This is both heartwarming and sad as the main character, Peter Gallagher, celebrates his deceased wife's 37th birthday, even though she passed two years ago. It's not easy getting over the death of a loved one, especially when they leave us too soon. This movie takes you through those emotions.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Andrea G. from STEPHENVILLE, TX Reviewed on 11/24/2011...
thank u for the dvd received in excellent condition
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Mary Jane T. (MJ) from SPOTSYLVANIA, VA Reviewed on 5/21/2010...
Not a bad movie,more of a chick flick I guess.
Movie Reviews
He knows she's dead
Joshua B. Smith | Chicago, IL | 09/27/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Here's the thing about this movie: He knows she's dead. A lot of the other reviewers here seem to forget that he acknowledges she's dead but that doesn't matter. She is dead but not gone. For some people, that statement sounds like some kind of sacchrine line to calm children. Sometimes it's the truth, though, and that's what this movie is about.
The movie does take itself seriously, but the subject IS serious. This is a solid movie, it's not a great film. Taking yourself seriously is not the same as claiming greatness. David Kelly is a capable director and the cast has chemistry and participate in the telling of a good story. That's it. It's a good story, and a fine film."
I Relate Deeply To This Movie
Joshua B. Smith | 07/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Having lost my wife under similiar circumstances, I experienced exactly What Peter Gallagher's acting expressed in this Film. His moving potrail of deep grief was so much like what I was experiencing it was chilling. The film did make me realize, that its time to move on."
David R. Kelly guts a touchingly beautiful play
John Munn, Jr. | Tacoma, WA USA | 06/17/2002
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Once upon a time, Michael Brady wrote a wonderfully, touching play called TO GILLIAN ON HER 37th BIRTHDAY. It was a story about a man refusing to come to grips with losing his wife in a terrible accident and keeping her alive through conversations with her on the beach. By living in his false world, he is losing sight of the real world and his daughter who is drifting away from him.It was a simply written, yet complex, story about relationships between people who are still grieving for loved ones and living in the present is worth it for the incredible opportunities that can be found.David R. Kelly (Ally McBeal, The Practice) disembowels all of the life from a beautiful piece of storytelling and turns it into a very poorly written, poorly acted, Hallmark Hall of Fame special that gives away its dramatic mysteries within the first 15 minutes of the film.Too bad...My advice: Get the script from Amazon.com...it's under TO GILLIAN ON HER 37th BIRTHDAY and author MICHAEL BRADY."
Love and Loss-The most powerful emotions
Anthony | Hollywood, CA United States | 04/28/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a fantastic film, from the writing to directing to the score to the acting. Peter Gallagher is superb in conveying the torment and guilt felt by a widowed husband. This is a situation that occurs all over the world all the time-losing a loved one is probably the most trying event that any person can ever go through. It's perfectly paced. David Kelley is such a great writer, it's just a joy to let him take you on this ride.
People compare this film to the play too much. They're completely different, theater is much more dialogue, film much more visual. I read the play after seeing the movie first, and although I'm always tainted by what I see first, I still feel the film is better. The characters aren't shallow in the film-they're just what's needed for how many of them there are.
I can't imagine what it's like to lose someone you love. I'm sure I will someday, but after watching this film you'll see how it can drive someone nearly mad trying to move on with their lives. A beautiful achievement."
Great acting and deep emotions make this a must see!
Charlotte Bartow | Morristown, TN United States | 08/08/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film is very moving. It will remind any viewer not to take their loved ones for granted. The film gets you thinking about how to prepare and makes you ask yourself, how will I react when I lose the love of my life. Enjoy!"