Mark Norvell | HOUSTON | 02/23/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is the sequel to 1975's equally raunchy "If You Don't Stop It...You'll Go Blind", where a series of naughty vignettes comprised of naughty jokes featuring nudity is streched out into a film. Very much in the "Kentucky Fried Movie" mold. Both "If.." and "Can I Do It..." were aimed at 70's "hip" culture and older folks wanting R-rated giggles. Some of it's funny, some of it's lame and all of it is done with definitely 70's style humor. But it remains a time capsule of a bygone era that some of us remember well. When adult humor and skin was still considered "adult" and, if you weren't an adult, you used a fake ID to see it. Glad to see it again and would like very much to see "If You Don't Stop It..." again also. Worth a look for a young pre- "Mork & Mindy" Robin Williams and for those who remember the thrill of seeing a "dirty movie" when it WAS a thrill."
Mark Turner | 06/27/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Way back in the seventies a film came out that did well at the box office without the benefit of big name stars or for that matter a plot. Okay so it did have a plot although it was minor and put in to give the rest of the film a reason to exist. The movie was IF YOU DON'T STOP IT YOU'LL GO BLIND and was about a group of films being watched by a board to determine the winners of the coveted Golden Dildo Awards. Keep in mind this was way before the adult film industry suddenly became accepted fare along with their own awards shows.
The movie was a set piece of nothing more than dirty jokes put on film. Snippets that lasted perhaps no more than 30 seconds to 3 minutes. And for a time when dirty jokes seemed to become popular (remember those DIRTY JOKES books at the time?), it did the job. So much so that apparently a sequel was in order. Thus became this film titled CAN I DO IT TILL I NEED GLASSES. If nothing else these guys deserved credit for making a running joke with their titles.
This time around they dispatch with the central awards theme. Instead, we are presented with non-stop dirty joke after dirty joke, all acted out competently by performers who either disappeared into oblivion or went on to more famous careers. Walter Olkewicz went on to guest star in nearly ever show on TV in the 80s and 90s. Vic Dunlop became a successful stand up comic. And of course, the name on the box that gets people to rent, Robin Williams became one of the most successful comedians turned actors around. Too bad that he only shows here twice and for perhaps 30 seconds of screen time.
The jokes range from semi-safe to down and out raunchy. But at the same time what else would you expect? It's all played for laughs. Unfortunately the laughs in this one don't come near the amount offered in its predecessor. Still, for a few laughs it's not all that bad. It does appear dated but no harm in that.
Imagine sitting around at a party and your best friend walks over and says "Hey you gotta here this one; I heard it at the office today." That is what this film is like. It's joke after joke being acted out instead of spoken.
While this review seems short all I can say is what else is there to say without telling the same jokes you see while watching? And the fact is with most places you can't TELL those jokes without fear of offending someone. But if you have an open mind, some spare time and nothing better to do with your rental money, then pick this one up.
The DVD is part of the Code Red series being released at present. Code Red has done a fine job of presentation here with as good a print as you will find. One has to give them credit for tracking down a number of lost guilty pleasures and bringing them to life via DVD. The extras may be a little lacking here but my guess is that Robin Williams was trying to distance himself from this as much as possible, thus no commentary from him. Still, Code Red will be making a name for itself if they continue to offer items such as this for long time fans.
the-ONE-and-HOLY | Safe Haven, OH | 05/24/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Just down right laughs is all you'll find here! Another quality release from code red(as most are). Classic to the core bieng that this is the first film role for the lovable Robin Williams( even though this movie is very adult oriented). This movie is chopped into short sequences with a wide array of topics, all of wich are slapstick in nature. Pick this up for some goofy good midnight laughs when the kids are asleep."