Christine B. from LONGVIEW, WA Reviewed on 3/21/2014...
Better than the old versions
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Keith A. (Keefer522) Reviewed on 10/14/2013...
A mega budget Americanized remake of the Big Green Guy should've been a home run. Unfortunately the project was headed by "Independence Day" director Roland Emmerich, who'd apparently never seen a "Godzilla" movie in his life.
In this version, Godzilla is a radioactive-mutant Iguana from the South Seas (?) who stomps his way across the ocean to set up shop in New York. Mayhem, and of course lots of explosive special effects, ensue. So far, so good. However, this is a "Godzilla" movie in name only.
Here's a partial list of what went wrong:
*Godzilla doesn't look like "Godzilla."
*Godzilla does not breathe fire.
*Godzilla is a "burrower" who hides underground (on Manhattan Island?)
*Godzilla lays eggs (?), resulting in tons of offspring, so that the last half hour of the movie looks like an urban take on "Jurassic Park."
*Most of the actors are hilariously miscast, particularly the uber-wimpy Matthew Broderick as a crusading scientist and two members of "The Simpsons" voice cast (Harry Shearer and Hank Azaria) as network news men. For some reason, Jean Reno is shoehorned in as a member of the French secret service (?).
I saw this movie during its theatrical run in '98 but after all these years I remembered almost nothing about it aside from a vague feeling that it was terrible. Watching it again last night, those "vague feelings" were confirmed. This movie is a travesty. I'm surprised that Japan didn't declare war on us again after seeing what Emmerich did to "their" screen icon.
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Suzanne H. from PORT ANGELES, WA Reviewed on 12/10/2012...
Loved this updated version that humanizes the monster and creates a connection between monster and scientist.
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Brad S. (Snibot) from DALLAS, TX Reviewed on 6/20/2012...
This film has a serious case of trying too hard.
First the good: The CGI for the monster isn't too horrible, and the action scenes are pretty good. Jean Reno places a good part.
And the bad: Darn close to everything else. Seriously Hollywood - radiation created Godzilla? Are you kidding me? They would have been better off trying to sell the Loch Ness Monster and it would have been more believable. Doesn't Godzilla trash Tokyo, what is this silliness about New York? Really the whole storyline is pretty weak, and so is the writing. Broderick's character seems pretty shallow, and seriously who cares about the "love story" mainly because the writing nor direction can pull it off; the problem with the movie is that there was really no attention paid to the main story, instead they overextended themselves trying to put too much into the story and the film suffered. It does have some funny parts, but it really wasn't worth the watch.
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Edna H. (tessiss) from HUDSON, NY Reviewed on 8/9/2011...
just love this movie
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Jorge S. (jorgito2001) from WESLEY CHAPEL, FL Reviewed on 2/23/2011...
I try not to let my fanaticism of the OLD Godzilla movies (and even the Millenium series that came after) get in the way of my opinion. Truth be told, this movie could've used a little editing. The movie runs (and feels) TOO long. And when 'ol Zilla is not onscreen, the movie tends to be a bit...dull, boring, sleep-inducing, did I mention boring? The blond chick reporter is SO annoying! I've kept this copy of the DVD, mainly for completest purposes, but even when my son & me DO watch it, I find myself fast forwarding through the boring "human" drama and getting to the Zilla parts! Do yourself a favor and rewatch the original Gojira to see what Godzilla really IS all about!
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Nick H. from ALTON, IL Reviewed on 10/21/2010...
As long as you look at it as not being a Godzilla movie, this is very entertaining. Comparison to the Toho Godzilla doesn't stand up. On the positive side, the American Godzilla is more realistic although the idea of The Big G being an overgrown iguana is a bit hard to take. Interesting approach that the somewhat anti-nuclear, anti-American sentiment in the original Toho Godzilla is transferred here to the French. The effects, of course, are occasionally spectacular. Some of the bits are well worth seeing including Godzilla's initial surfacing before the old fisherman, his initial walk through New York (where he was mugged across from Central Park), and his death scene.
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Nora G. from NEW YORK, NY Reviewed on 8/19/2009...
I always watched Godzilla when it showed up on TV, so I was so glad to get a copy. I love the movie because it takes place in New York City, and seeing 200 Park Avenue with a big hole in its center is such a hoot. Matthew Broderick does such a great job as the scientist. Needless to say, I love watching it over and over. --Nora
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Anthony M. (joexboxer) from WEEDSPORT, NY Reviewed on 4/7/2009...
I saw this in the theatre and hated it. I am a devote fan of Godzilla and I was expecting SO MUCH MORE out of this. I was very unhappy with the jurassic park feeling when the eggs all hatched and all the baby's tended to look like velocirapters. this is supposed to be about BIGGER. oh well.