Like the finest of wine
Alejandra Vernon | Long Beach, California | 05/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Robbie Robertson is a phenomenon...he just keeps getting better and better...musically growing and breaking new ground. It's one of the things that makes this documentary so fascinating, to see the development from the early days to the present, ending as it does with a marvelous live performance of "Ghost Dance".The musical clips are treasures. The moments with Willie Dixon, Bob Dylan (looking like a teenager), a few selections from "The Last Waltz", etc. He's also an expressive and eloquent interview hear him talk about his youth with Ronnie Hawkins, Dylan writing his songs on a typewriter, and so much more.A great story teller, with subtle wit and sharp observations, he looks like a Native American Gary Cooper, long, lean and comfortable...with relaxed body language and a voice that's so easy on the ears, making this an incredibly entertaining and enjoyable 70 minutes, spent watching and hearing pure genius."
Steven | Los Angeles, CA USA | 12/08/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What a joy! Incredible history and roots. Robbie is not only the consummate story teller from the Band and his solo albums, he's also a pleasure to listen to speak about the history of the Band, their involvement with Bob Dylan, Martin Scorsesse and Eric Clapton and more. There is some incredible archival footage of Dylan playing with the Band from the Basement Tapes era, a great dialog segment between Robbie and Scorsesse about the making of the Last Waltz and a not so trivial Rock N Roll trivia revelation from Eric Clapton that he broke up Cream after hearing the Band and then asked Robbie if he could join. WOW. If you're a Band, Dylan fan or just love good documentaries do not miss this!"
A great look at an important artist
Scott L. Anderson | Lincoln, Nebraska United States | 07/11/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The "Going Home" DVD combines a number of scenes from a variety of sources. The most valuable to Band fans will be the footage from "Eat the Document", which remains unreleased. There are some errors in fact in the presentation. The most egregious of these is the inclusion and citing of "Up on Cripple Creek" as part of the Basement Tapes as well as citing 1968 as the year of the Basement Tapes. This is really just a bit of griping from a life-long fan of The Band. As a spokesman for the genre and art form, Robbie ranks up there with Pete Townshend as the finest ever."
Robertson suffers Selective Memory
Ms. Felicia Davis-burden | Staines, UK | 08/24/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Even though I am a fan of Robbie Robertson and looked forward to seeing an autobiographical project, I found this film too self-serving. Robertson only credits his former Band-mates at the 1994 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Rick Danko, standing behind him, smiles and silently accepts Robertson's late and scant thanks. At no point during this film's ongoing narrative interview does Robertson pay full credit to Levon Helm, Rick Danko, Garth Hudson or Richard Manuel - all fine multi-instrumentalists and (in the case of 3 of them) terrific singers. I find this insulting, after all there were five members of The Band and they perported never to have a 'leader'
Robertson was born in Toronto, to a Mohawk mother and a Jewish father. The film focusses entirely on his Native American side, and early on he speaks of childhood summers on the Six Nations Reservation. The rest of his early life seems to have been erased. The cultural blend that would have made this visual autobiography fascinating is missing. What a shame.
Most of the songwriters Robbie recalls meeting at the Brill Building on his first trip to New York were Jewish. When the opening visual sequence of 'The Last Waltz' is played, we are not treated to the theme tune, which has a notable Kletzmer feeling to it.
As interesting as Robertson's musical career has been, this film is striking more for what is omitted, than for what is covered. The Band's back catalogue is one of the most eclectic in modern music: This film would have you believe that two songs, 'The Weight' and 'The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down', were all the group recorded between the 'Basement Tapes' and 'The Last Waltz'.
This film is expensive and hard to track down. I'm still not sure if the expenditure was worth it. Robertson's self-regard robs Band-fans of the colourful tapestry of musical history they should have been treated to after so long. Unfortunately we cannot rely on 'The Last Waltz' for a complete overviwew of The Band either. Robertson and Scorcese made sure of that, as we are reminded in several conversational interludes in this film."