There's a thoughtful and lovely story here
Inga W. Holmquist | Washington State, USA | 07/09/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Some of the more squeamish reviewers would lead you to believe that the best thing about "Going Under" is Roger Rees' physique. And yes, he's in great shape - but please, let's delve more seriously - there's a thoughtful and lovely story here.
Both of the main characters are engaging and likable, but they carry deep and unresolved hurts. They are gentle, good people searching for a way to heal themselves, or at least a way make it through each day with their un-exorcized pain. But the film doesn't wallow in boring angst - these are proactive people. Their journey together may be doomed from the start, but it was a good journey for each of them to undertake, and it takes them a step closer to the healing each craves.
It's not really about the sex, and I think people who come to the film looking for a sex-thrill aren't going to get what they came for. And the people looking for a sensitive human drama might not choose it in the first place, thinking it would not deliver on that level. But it does. Actually, both characters are fully dressed and being themselves (to the extent they can) in the film's sexiest scene.
People have criticized the ending, but I found it realistic, and more to the point, fully satisfying, if bittersweet. (If you've seen "The Ebony Tower" you may note some parallels.)
It may be very hard to generalize how this film will affect people. If you're the kind that can't get past some of the subject matter (or if that's all you came for) you'll miss the forest for the trees. And it's a forest very worth seeing. I thought of the old quote, roughly translated as: "I am human, so nothing human is alien to me." Remember to bring your empathy with you to this film, and you'll be able to explore a beautiful forest."
A sympathetic look at S&M
Neal C. Reynolds | Indianapolis, Indiana | 02/14/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I don't think this can be consdered as a true pornographic film as much as a porrayal of the type of person involved in this kind of kinky sex. It also appears to be a look at the division between fantasy and reality.The male character here is paying for a fantasy that somehow fulfils him but one which he wants to bring into his real world. The woman on the other hand is a professional, fulfilling his fantasy but only as a fantasy.The love in this is on the male's side. It's not truly returned and that makes this a truly poignant film.I have the feeling that those really into this sex style won't find this a true turn-on, but for those who have a curiosity will find it definitely of interest."
A bit of truth
tamiii | San Juan Capistrano, Ca. United States | 04/05/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Truth is hard. And, this movie is just that. Here is a man who becomes bewitched by a dominant. Perhaps, in its self, not that unusual. However, the performaces are dazzling in this little jem. Here we see a therapist (with a troubled childhood, surprising?) take a hard fall for someone who cannot maintain a connection. He is married with an understanding wife. Yet, we see not from her perspective. The playful couple are drawn together with its predictable difficulties. I suppose this an allegory for so many (without the usual complexities of income, children, etc.) Personally, I knew before I saw how this would work itself out--we used to call this tragedy--in the best, and ancient, sense of that word."