"Good Night, And, Good Luck." takes place during the early days of broadcast journalism in 1950's America. It chronicles the real-life conflict between television newsman Edward R. Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy and th... more »e House Un-American Activities Committee. With a desire to report the facts and enlighten the public, Murrow, and his dedicated staff - headed by his producer Fred Friendly and Joe Wershba in the CBS newsroom - defy corporate and sponsorship pressures to examine the lies and scaremongering tactics perpetrated by McCarthy during his communist 'witch-hunts'. A very public feud develops when the Senator responds by accusing the anchor of being a communist. In this climate of fear and reprisal, the CBS crew carries on and their tenacity will prove historic and monumental.DVD Features:
Audio Commentary:with George Clooney and Grant Heslov
Documentary:Good Night, and Good Luck companion piece
David M. (KingofGarageSales) from FAYETTEVILLE, AR Reviewed on 7/9/2012...
All in all, if one was not raised in the McCarthy era one should watch this film just to get a taste of what life was like when everyone in the nation--from an Air Force lieutenant to those who had a public following could have their career, future, and life as they had known it brought to an end simply by being accused of having a father who subscribed to an eastern-Europe newspaper.
The film is marred, I feel, by the extraneous injection--many times--of a nightclub singer crooning songs popular at the time (what was the purpose of those interrruptions?); by a full-length Kent cigarette advertisement--apparently a heavy-handed way of hitting the viewer over the head with "Things wuz different then"; and by too many lengthy shots of three or four key players silently smoking cigarettes and looking meaningfully at one another (with the viewers expected--I don't know how--to understand what they were thinking and its importance to the overall story line).
Were it not for the brilliant job that David Strathairn did portraying Edward R. Murrow the film might well have been a flop. The DVD case loudly proclaims that it received (in 2005) 6 Academy Award nominations; the fact that nowhere is there an indication that it received any actual awards says something, I think.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Julia R. (julia) from GERMANTOWN, MD Reviewed on 4/13/2010...
Inspiring true story.
1 of 6 member(s) found this review helpful.
B Doris D. (Frenchie300) from DETROIT, MI Reviewed on 7/23/2008...
In my opinion not since Citizen Kane has a film packed such a punch. This film show that honesty and truth can prevail, but not without considerable risk. How many of us remember having to sign documents that we were not affiliated with communism in any way in order to obtain employment? Every generation should be reminded that witch hunts pop up their ugly heads from time to time.
5 of 6 member(s) found this review helpful.
Melanie A W. (novelwriter) from NEWINGTON, CT Reviewed on 2/23/2008...
I enjoyed watching this dvd. I have to admit that it was brilliant. The whole idea of McCarthy blasting people who he suspects are Communist opened my eyes and at the same time it appalled me.