Branson Slop
G. Wittenberg | Winston-Salem, NC United States | 08/11/2003
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Having been subjected to multiple viewings of Gordy during rainy days at a beach vacation, I now consider myself an expert on the movie. The main problem with the movie is the human acting, which is abysmal. Even the relatively highly touted Kristy Young seems to have serious problems with remembering and delivering her lines. The logic of talking animal movies is always suspect, but in this case there are serious problems. Why, for example, does a patriarch name the titular piglet to administer a company until the grandson reaches the age of majority? Even in pig years Gordy is a child too! The motivation of the movie seems not to be to discourage eating pigs but to promote the values embodied in the Branson brand of country music - relatively bland and harmless, to be sure, but not too well thought out. What do you do with the farm when the animals reproduce out of control? So while the movie doesn't make too much sense, and the actors don't help convince you further, there is some amusement for children that are too young to think this through. My children were delighted by the mild dramatic tension and funny animal sounds and voices. I think this means that producers have free rein to create similar low-budget talking animal vehicles and they will be guaranteed an income, certainly from the video sales. Although thankfully there isn't a Gordy II!"
Gordy Da Pig!
Lonnie E. Holder | Columbus, Indiana, United States | 06/17/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In 1995 two pig movies arrived on the scene at the same time. There was a funny movie called "Babe," and then there was this movie.
In this pig of a movie, a pig called, wait for it...GORDY, has a lovely happy life on the farm, until one day he runs off on a search. When he returns from his search, his family is GONE! Pretty dramatic, ain't it? Anyway, Gordy's family was sent "up north," which is a euphemism for the packing plant, where the Gordy family will be turned into...okay, maybe I'll skip that part.
Gordy is off with the single-minded purpose of saving his family. I will say that Gordy did focus on finding and saving his family. Throughout this whole movie Gordy kept coming back to that, no matter where he was.
Gordy hardly sets off on his journey when he encounters Luke MacAllister (singer Doug Stone, who actually can sing), Jinny Sue MacAllister (Kristy Young, who actually can't sing), and Cousin Jake (Tom Lester, who some may remember as Eb Dawson on "Petticoat Junction," "The Beverly Hillbillies," and "Green Acres"). The trio is traveling country singers headed off to another singing engagement. In fact, just after Jinny Sue meets Gordy hiding in the back of a truck, we get to see Jinny sue singing and leading a bunch of line dancers at a local dance hall. I have no clue as to why we are focused on Jinny Sue other than to establish she's a red-blooded sweet American girl who does not sing very well.
After the distraction, we get back on the road, only Jinny Sue has now acquired Gordy as a pet. At a singing gig at the governor's mansion we meet a whole cast of stereotypical characters, particular the wormy Gilbert Sipes (James Donadio, who had a very short acting career; after seeing this movie, I can see why), Jessica Royce (Deborah Hobart, who has appeared in a couple dozen movies and television shows), her son Hanky Royce (Michael Roescher, in his only role ever), and wealthy Henry Royce (Ted Manson, who has been in more than two dozen minor roles). It turns out that Henry Royce is wealthy, and Gilbert Sipes has his eye on gaining the family fortune.
During the singing action, Hanky manages to fall into the mansion pool and is rescued by Gordy. Hurrah for Gordy, the vaguely lovable pig!
Gordy is now on the fast track to stardom, becoming the mascot for Royce industries, and beating out Jessica Royce for popularity. Gilbert Sipes tries to do away with the pig, and of course routinely fails thanks to Hanky and Gordy.
Eventually we get to Branson, Missouri, where Jinny Sue, Luke and Cousin Jake are performing with a number of really famous country singers: Mo Bandy, Roy Clark, Christy Lane, Boxcar Willie, Jim Stafford, Buck Trent, and Mickey Gillie. Henchmen of Gilbert Sipes try to do away with Gordy again, unsuccessfully, of course, and Gordy finally learns where his family is. Of course, the family is on its way to, gasp, a grisly end, and Gordy has to get there in the nick of time. Will he make it? You will have to watch to find out.
There is no comparison between pig movies. "Babe" took in an estimated $67 million dollars in US box office, and "Gordy" took in an estimated $4 million. "Babe" won an Oscar, 17 other awards, and had another 16 nominations for other awards. "Gordy" won one minor award. "Babe" was nicely plotted and appealed to adults as well as children. "Gordy" was unbelievable and hard to watch as an adult.
Children do seem to like this movie. My children liked it, but I found it hard to keep watching to the end. For adults, and probably for nearly anyone above the age of ten, this movie is just painful. Disney had a miss with this movie.
I gave this movie three stars, which is very generous, because my children liked this movie. If it has not been for their enjoyment of the movie, it would have gotten two stars. Good luck!
A laugh riot
Lonnie E. Holder | 04/02/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This has to be to doumbest movie I've seen lately, but that's why it's funny. The story is that the pig, Gordy's Mother, Father, and his brothers and sisters have been taken "Up West", a place "where pigs go and don't come back" (hint, hint). So Gordy goes on a quest to find them. At first he is adopted by a 10-12 year old girl named Ginny-Sue(what...), who at first finds the truck where Gordys Mother and siblings are, but they drive away, and the truck Gordy is hiding enters the spot... Ginny-sue finds Gordy and adopts him, during the evening Gordy is a secret, yet by morning Ginny-sue's father and adult cousin know about Grody... Her father has a band that sings at a billioniers home. There ginny-sue meets the billionaers grandson Hanky..., who five minetuts later falls in a pool and can't swim, yet Gordy saves him and can swim... Later the pig becomes a hero..., and ginny-sue gives Gordy to hanky. Later Hankys mothers boyfrein/jerk plans a plot to kidnap godry ... Soon Hanky's grandfather dies leaving Gordy and Hanky the bosses of the company... Soon there is a plege drive to find gordys folks, 1-800-555-sooey, and for some reason the president Bill Clinton calls ... and says they've made a stamp to honer gordy ... Eventually all our heros find the sauseg making mill and race there to save gordys folks. This movieis thw ultimate cheese, it's ashame MST3000 never did this as an episode. Me and my friend started making fun of this, heck even my father joined in! Definetly a movie drinking games are made of, heck I have one here, when ever the pig says something sperectul take a drink, when ever the boyfriend get an evil plan take a drink, when ever the boyfriend has an evil grin on his face take a drink, and whenever there is a westeren song take a drink. Highly recommended for trashing!"
Gordy: the little pig who tugged at our hearts.
Lonnie E. Holder | 04/22/1999
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Gordy is the cuttest movie I have ever seen. Even though this pig movie was out done my the other hyped pig movie, it is by far the best one and it makes you really think about real life issues. Kristy Young (as Jinnie Sue) does a superior job. This teenager MUST GET A RECORD DEAL. I recommend this movie for all ages."