An adequate season, a clearly inadequate DVD
Rodney Bogardus | Buffalo, NY | 05/01/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"As much as I love WILL & GRACE and am glad to see another season make its way to DVD, I'm disappointed, yet again, with such an inferior release. The "super-size" season premier, "Dames at Sea," appears as the syndicated version on the DVD, just like all of the butchered episodes found on last year's season 5 DVD release. Also, a handful of episodes from mid-season were originally supposed to air as "super-size" episodes (both parts of "Flip Flop" and "East Side Story" to name a few), but they were aired as standard episodes to accommodate NBC's schedule for FRIENDS and THE APPRENTICE, thus parts of these episodes have never been aired and these scenes were not included in the season 6 DVD set. And like those found in seasons 2-4 DVD sets, the one-hour episode from this year, the season finale "I Do. Oh, No, You Di-in't," is split up into two separate 30-minute episodes.
Back in February when this release was announced, I wrote a letter to LionsGate telling them how disappointed fans have been with the season releases and asking them to give us what we want-- episodes in their entirety. But upon recently learning that LionsGate is only the distributor and that NBC is responsible for the actual content of the DVDs, I realize that my plea for better DVD releases didn't fall on deaf ears-- it fell on the wrong ears! At this point, having uncut season sets is a lost cause since only seasons 7 and 8 remain to be released, but if people begin contacting NBC now and demand that they fix all of these problems with a complete series set (which I'm sure they plan to do eventually), then maybe we can get full-length versions of all of these beloved, hilarious episodes.
Much like the previous releases, this season 6 set has few extras, despite the untrue "Loaded with extra features" that appears on the cover of this, and every, season set. The only positive aspect of this set is that the interactive menus are the slickest and most eye-appealing of all of the season sets.
As for the season itself, season 6 isn't one of my favorites. While this season does include some gems ("Last Ex to Brooklyn" and "Strangers with Candice" are two of my favorites), it also includes some duds. At certain points throughout the season, the writing is sub par, and the show's dynamic is thrown out of whack when Debra Messing is absent from some episodes due to her pregnancy. People often say that Karen and Jack made the show what it was, but I think it was a team effort that required all four of the main actors to make the show the hilarious and witty sitcom that it was, and this season demonstrates that quite clearly when Grace's absence hinders the overall tone and quality of the show. I would have given this three, maybe even four, stars had the season been released in its entirety, but NBC seems to think we like paying good money for syndicated episodes."
Last season of W&G with great writing...
C.S. | 02/17/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Finally, the studio is speeding up the releases! I thought we'd have to wait another year for the next season.
In my opinion, this was the last season that had truly great writing in many of the episodes. Some of my favourite episodes include: "Home Court Disadvantage", "A-Story, Bee-Story", "Fanilow", "Speechless", and the two-part finale. The two best episodes for me were "Nice in White Satin" and "Last Ex to Brooklyn"- both had wonderful writing and great guest spots by Jack Black and Mira Sorvino, respectively. This was really a standout season for Megan Mullally, with Debra Messing away for quite a few episodes because of her pregnancy. Mullally was featured much more prominently in many of the story archs, and was given some of the best lines of the series' run. I really didn't watch much of season seven or eight because the writing just isn't great after season six. Really looking forward to this release, but I'm only giving it four stars because the special features on the Will and Grace sets are so minimal- love the gag reel but the themed featurettes are dull-- montages of clips from the episodes are not EXTRA features."
Good Season
A. Kimball | Mt. Pleasant, MI, Us | 04/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Will & Grace: Season 6 was the last season with great writing and even better ratings. Season 7 & 8 saw a decline in ratings and overall value. Season 6 was good because it had interesting story arcs. Jack becoming a student nurse, Karen and Lyle Finster forming a relationship, Will finally finding love and Grace beginning to discover problems in her marriage with Leo. There were a few very memorable episodes in season 6, one of my top faves being "Fanilow", and it's sad to see how this great, groundbreaking, hilarious series slightly went downhill in the last two years of it's run. Also, I hope season 6 has the full-length "super-sized" episodes as opposed to season 5's syndicated, edited versions. Consumers don't want that."
Funnier than I thought!!
MUSICman | Cincinnati, OH | 06/05/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When this originally aired on NBC I was losing interest in the show. I thought it went down-hill after Grace got married. But, I bought it, like all previous seasons and IT IS FUNNY!!! This show cracks me up and every episode is worth watching. I especially enjoy Karen & Jack, more so than Will & Grace. I'll be looking forward to buying the remaining seasons. I wish they wouldn't have relied so much on GUEST STARS in the final seasons. This is one of the last great comedies for me. I don't think anything on the air today is half as witty and comical as this show!!!"