Joseph Despinosa | New York, NY United States | 09/07/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"NBC shows have been among the best in terms of packaging, menu design and navigation. But they sure did drop the ball on Season Three of Will & Grace.
Seasons One & Two had very attractive, clean menus that matched the outer boxes. While Season Three's outer box follows suit with the first two, the menus are a complete disaster. They are overly animated and completely tasteless. Plus the episode selection now spans two pages -- an unecessary annoyance for choosing among only 6 episodes per disc.
Season Three is a great season of this top-notch show, and is certainly a must-have for any TV-on-DVD collector. It's just too bad we'll have to be offended by these horrible menus each time we wish to watch an episode. Here's hoping NBC gets their senses back for the remaining seasons."
Season 3 = 3 x the Laughs!!!
Rodney Bogardus | Buffalo, NY | 07/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Known to push the button on prime time with its liberal subject matter, Will & Grace has found a loyal fan base as part of NBC's Thursday Must-See-TV line-up for six years. Beginning in the autumn of 2000, this season is full of laughs and such guest stars as Woody Harrelson, Gregory Hines, Patrick Dempsey, Ellen DeGeneres, Cher, Sandra Bernhard, and Molly Shannon. This season also introduces the lovable couple Joe & Larry (played by Jerry Lavine and Tim Bagley, respectively).
The DVD release of Will & Grace - Season 3 contains all of the season's episodes:
New Will City
Fear and Clothing
Husbands and Trophy Wives
Girl Trouble
Grace 0, Jack 2000
Love Plus One
Gypsies, Tramps and Weed
Lows in the Mid-Eighties
Three's a Crowd, Six is a Freak Show
Coffee & Commitment
Swimming Pools... Movie Stars
Crazy in Love
Brothers, A Love Story
My Uncle the Car
Mad Dogs and Average Men
Poker? I Don't Even Like Her
An Old-Fashioned Piano Party
The Young and the Tactless
Alice Doesn't Lisp Here Anymore
Last of the Really Odd Lovers
Sons & Lovers
Thankfully the season 3 DVD set doesn't contain all of the flaws that the season 2 set has. Aside from a lack of special features, the real bummer about this set is the version of the episode "Cheaters" that is included. "Cheaters" initially aired as a "super-size" episode, then extra footage was added for syndication, making it 2 separate 30-minute episodes. The version included in this set is the original, without the added footage. This seems particularly odd since the season 2 finale "Ben? Her?" was the syndicated version in the season 2 set, yet "Cheaters" which would have been better as the syndicated version, is NOT the syndicated version in the season 3 set???
All in all, the set is worth buying if your a fan of the series. Let's hope that the powers that be take their time with the next release to ensure we get a flawless season 4 set.
Awesome season--substandard DVD Menus
Kasey G | 09/22/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Without a doubt, Season 3 of Will and Grace is my favorite by far. "Lows In The Mid 80's", "Swimming Pools, Movie Stars" w/Sandra Bernhard and "Brothers: A Love Story" are some of the series best installments. However, the person who designed the menus on this set should be fired and banned from working on any subsequent releases. The peach-and-baby blue colored circles that fly around the screen with clips from the show are VERY distracting, annoying and not at all pleasant for the viewer. Not to mention the fact it took me almost five minutes to figure out how to access the SECOND menu screen to view episodes 4-6 on the disc. (*Clue* you have to cursor down through the episode icons, to the word "Menu" then to an arrow and hit the play button--ridiculous! Why not just use the same tasteful design that was on Seasons 1 and 2??) After the packaging errors of Season Two, you would think the manufacturers would be a little more careful."
Missing Scenes
Jerome Wetzel | Westerville, OH | 09/10/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Cheaters", which originally aired as a 40 minute episode, was later split into two parts for reruns and extra scenes were added, especially near the end, with more Karen and Jack stuff. This DVD lists the episode as Cheaters Part 1 and has the 40 minute version. Couldn't they have either had the full two part version, or put Cheaters Part 1 and Cheaters Part 2 on the DVD? Where are the other scenes? At least couldn't they have put them in as special features? And if they did that with this episode, how many others did they do it too? NBC needs to fix this problem!"
Peter Proctor | Hinckley, England | 01/18/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have loved Will & Grace ever since it appeared on UK TV. It is well written, well acted and is very funny. I love all the characters equally and the situations they find themselves in are real.
We are lucky in the UK as we have been able to purchase Series 1 - 4 since the middle of last year. My only complaint is the lack of extras thoughout the series and on each of the discs, apart from 5 - 6 minutes of bloopers for each series.
Again, we are lucky that we have all the episodes in their entirety (Cheaters Part 1 and 2) but can't believe that certain things in Das Boob were dubbed in the US. Why? Also, some of the episode running orders on the UK editions don't match that from the official NBC website. Don't understand why they need to mess around with this. Are we in the UK so different from our American counterparts?
Whatever you do, enjoy and never stop watching!
My suggestion to anyone out there is to go onto and get series 1 - 4.