Volume #2 profiles: George S. Patton - Egotistical, bullish and always controversial, a true icon of WWII, hero of the Battle of the Bulge and commander of the allied advance into Germany. Joseph Stilwell - "Vinegar Joe" w... more »as tough, smart, hard working, brave, yet a man of few words. As a four star general during WWII, he headed both the U.S. and Chinese Nationalist resistance to the Japanese advance on the Far Eastern mainland. George C. Marshall - Chief protagonist of the cross-channel invasion of Europe strategy, author of the post-war "Marshall Plan" and "true organizer of victory" according to Britain's Prime Minister Winston Churchchill. Henry H. 'Hap' Arnold - Great warrior, leader, thinker and father of the modern Air Force. Taught to fly by the Wright Brothers, he later commanded the Army Air Forces in victory over Germany and Japan in World War II. Includes six WWII shorts (over 90 min.): "Soldiers in Greasepaint" (c1958) - Stars of stage, screen and radio entertain the troops duriing WWII. "The Fighting First" (c1945) - The 1st Infantry Division in eight campaigns and three invasions. "Women in Defense" (1941) - Narrated by Katharine Hepburn, this short was written by Eleanor Roosevelt. Women workers' contributions to the war effort. "Seeds of Destiny" (1946) - Hitler's grisly plan to starve his European neighbors. Classic propaganda film was responsible for raising $200 million in support for the UNRRA. "Your Job in Germany" (1945) - Directed by Frank Capra, written by Theodore Geisel ("Dr. Seuss"), narrated by Dana Andrews, this short presented a bitter, angry view of the Germans designed to halt fraternization between U.S. troops and German civillians. "Paris 1945" (1945) - Postwar newreel compares early U.S. patriots to 1945 Resistance Parisians.« less