Uncut, uncensored and unrelenting, Greg the Bunny stars Seth Green and Eugene Levy and is rude, crude, and stuffed with attitude. TV wasn?t ready for him. Are you? The complete series on DVD includes two never aired episod... more »es and much more. Puppets are people too!« less
Carol J. from TRAVELERS RST, SC Reviewed on 4/2/2010...
This series lasted 2 seasons, and was basically hitting it's stride when canceled. Like many series, character development was slow, but eventually it became truly hilarious. The basic concept (living cartoon characters) was initially strange, but eventually completely accepted as part of "that world" you are shown. If you choose to watch, don't give up on the first few episodes, it gets better.
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Movie Reviews
Brilliant and Fresh. Never got the chance to develop.
Stephanie Sandlin | Spokane, Wa | 08/06/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Greg The Bunny.
A show thats sadly remembered for flaming out on Fox TV in the summer of 2002. In reality, it wasn't so much that it wasn't up to par as was the network didn't set it up for success. Fox TV put it after Bernie Mac on Wednesday nights at first. Bernie Mac's demo was not going to stick around and watch GTB. Secondly, only after three weeks of reasonable promotion FOX seemed to write the show off jerking it off for sweeps then finally bringing it back for two weeks to disappear again lastly in "burn off" mode on Sundays at 7:30p for August of 2002.
Its a story of a show that screams it wasn't given a proper shot.
The show itself was brillant in a offkilter way. If you bought into the premise that puppets and people in some strange universe could share the world - it worked. If you couldn't buy into the premise - you hated the show.
Everything revolved around Greg a rabbit handpuppet with button eyes (later creepy glass eyes - FOX exec "suggestion") and his quest to find employment. On a visit to his roomates father's job - a director for fictional kids show "Sweetknuckle Junction" Greg mistakenly ends up auditioning for the program. Insanity and hilariousness ensue. Greg gets the job and the whole premise is set up. The sweetknuckle junction cast is much more jaded and prone to outrageousness than one would've expected.
The show parodied TV itself, TV execs, Childrens TV, actors, puppet love and even dared to spoof some of the sacred cows of our culture - race relations etc.
My personal favorite episode was "Surprise!" Where the cast has to lead a TV Guide reporter around trying to impress her to make Sara Silverman's character happy. Naturally, the cast are being artifical and just plain sucking up to sell the wholesome image they were told to sell. It all leads to Junction Jack's house after its found out it was his birthday and the cast throw a improptu, again to look good for the TV Guide reporter, surprise party at his house. Only it turns out, that Jack the rugged train conductor character prefers a dress and heels occasionally! Jimmy and Greg fighting over who can shmooze the TV Guide reporter thats actually a Lesbian that takes Sarah Silverman home is hilarious too!
In the final analysis, this show wasn't for everyone As a previous reviewer articulated. FOX targeted GTB to teens and to be honest this was not a teen show. There was alot of subtle and adult humor to be had that honestly a teen wouldn't get. It was more matched for its wicked satire to be a heir to the Simpsons throne.
Only if FOX had been smarter in the show's execution and patient they could've had a long running hit. You could've seen stuffed Gregs and Tardys on suction cups looking out car windows.
Alas, though - FOX didn't have the patience for that vision to bare fruit."
Funny and Loaded with Bonuses
M. Truman | Portland, ME | 10/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The show never got much time in the spotlight, but it's clear its creators and actors savored every moment of it. In addition to all 13 episodes in their intended order, the set has a great selection of special features ranging from multiple commentaries to production stills to a short film featuring everyone's favorite turtle, Tardy.
The episodes are worth the price of admission. I find the show to be a scream. It can be juvenile at times, but hey, it's a puppet show! There are attempts made at social satire where the puppet community subs in for various other minorities, but the core humor comes from witty one-liners, slapstick, and a lot of toilet jokes. 'I made a smelly in my shelly!' - Tardy
Creator Dan Milano is extremely proud of Greg the Bunny and this is evident in the care taken with the extras. Virtually every special feature is introduced by either Greg or Warren and commentary is provided for half the episodes, deleted scenes, and the short Tardy film. Even the menus come with brand new dialogue by the puppet members of the cast. I found the featurette on how the show came into being both informative and fun, including brand new interviews with the creators, puppets, and actors. And don't miss the puppet audition tapes!
This set is a complete package. Sadly, it truly is complete. I salute you Greg the Bunny. We shall never see your likes again."
A Gem!
J. McAndrew | 07/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Fox Channel is notorious for killing off shows with great potential. Shows such as Family Guy, Futurama, and The Tick never got to live out what should have been a long lifespan. Greg the Bunny is yet another one of these shows. But fans and television buffs should rejoice at this beautiful release. This 2-Disc DVD collection will contain all 13 episodes (including several never broadcast on TV), deleted scences, storyboards, commentaries, documentaries, and everything else you can sink your teeth into. This show was pure brilliance and I shed a tear when it was canceled. Especially after hearing that the god-awful Oliver Beene would run for another season. So whether you were one of the thousands of people signing petitions to keep this show on the air or someone who typed the wrong thing into the search engine and came across this site you should pick up the Greg the Bunny entire series for your colection. And selling for less than $25 you can't go wrong. Check out TVShowsonDVD.com or TVTome.com for more info on this and many other fine Tv shows."
Puppets + People = Good Television
M. Duffy | Houston, TX USA | 09/02/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Fox has a way of killing great shows by placing them in bad time slots. Greg the Bunny got great reviews from critics and fans alike, but was cancelled due to a wednesday night time slot, that for some reason just didnt target the core audience. Same for FUTURAMA, fox put them on before the simpsons at 6pm central time, and I was never able to catch an episode.
But Greg the Bunny is a great watch. Count Blah is by far my favorite character. I dont know how long friends of mine were walking around going "So how was your day, blah?".
It is a great show, one of the more original ideas that has come out of fox in a really long time. Pick this up and enjoy it, you will not regret it."
Larry | Irvine, CA | 08/29/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Through the miracles of now-defunct file sharing services, friends and Fox's odd programming schedules, I managed to see most if not all of entire series. THANK YOU Fox for appeasing your core audience and putting out this DVD collection.
"Greg the Bunny" is not for your kids. It's for you - the person that grew up with Sesame Street and graduated to Saturday Night Live and the Muppet Show (the FIRST one).
The series concept is hysterical. The characters are incredibly original (and yet somehow familiar). And the people....this is one of the best assembled casts that's seen hit the airwave.
You have a rabbit puppet that went to school with a human geek (Seth Green) -- yes, HIGH SCHOOL! Eugene Levy is the father of the geek that also happens to direct his own kid's television show. You have Sarah Silverman - a real unused talent - as the show's network producer and Bob Gunton and Dina Waters as the two wonderfully flawed human actors on the show. Sunshine and light one moment - neurosis and addiction in the next.
As for the rest of the puppets - I don't want to spoil all of it. If you've ever been to the zoo, picture the ape reciting Shakespeare and drinking - alot! There you have it! And that's the tip of the iceberg.
I honestly think that this would have been the next "Arrested Development" if Fox hadn't decided to give "The Bernie Mac Show" more marketing dollars that year. (Much love Bernie --- you're on my TiVo every week!!!)
Alas - this is the only DVD in the series unless sales are high and they revive the show. I hear that will happen right after they bring back Cheers, Seinfeld and Friends. :)"