Currently Available DVDs (3) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (27)2003 - The Time Machine / The Tuxedo 2003 - HG Wells' The Shape of Things to Come 2002 - HG Wells' First Men in the Moon 2002 - Melies the Magician 2001 - Empire of the Ants 2001 - The Island of Dr Moreau 2001 - Village of the Giants 2001 - Blood Creature/Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory 2000 - Twilight People 2000 - The Time Machine 2000 - Science Fiction 1 Things to Come 2000 - Things to Come/Journey to the Center of Time 1999 - Things to Come/Journey to the Center of Time 1999 - Terror Is a Man 1999 - The War of the Worlds 1997 - The Island of Dr Moreau (Unrated Director's Cut) The Passionate Friends