Currently Available DVDs (5) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (38)2002 - The Killer 2002 - Black Mask/Ticker 2001 - Gunmen 2001 - Black Mask / The Lost Empire 2001 - Once Upon A Time In China Collection 2001 - Dragon Inn 2001 - Diary of a Big Man 2001 - Once Upon a Time in China 1 2000 - Swordsman III - The East is Red 2000 - John Woo Collection DVD 2-Pack The Killer/ Hard Boiled 2000 - A Better Tomorrow 2000 - A Better Tomorrow II 1999 - I Love Maria 1999 - Twin Dragons 1999 - Swordsman II 1999 - The Master 1999 - Wicked City 1998 - Once Upon a Time in China 2 1998 - Once Upon a Time in China 3 1998 - Peking Opera Blues 1998 - Shanghai Grand 1998 - The Killer - Criterion Collection 1998 - Chinese Ghost Story 1998 - A Chinese Ghost Story II 1998 - The Killer - Criterion Collection 1998 - A Chinese Ghost Story Hak hap Red Cliff / Seven Swords / Three Kingdoms