Campy and Fun
Beth Saboori | Santa Monica, California | 08/03/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, I'll admit it, I'm not a big fan of horror movies. I like horror stories a whole bunch, but seeing the blood and gore on the big or tiny screen usually doesn't do it for me. Maybe I don't imagine it as bloody as it really is. That said, I have to say I really enjoyed this film. It was campy and fun.
Yes, heads were ripped off, cut off, ripped open and cut open. Victor Crowley was ugly as sin, but kind of likable too. But the scary part for me is the thought of being alone in the swamp after dark. Well, our erstwhile heros weren't alone, they were in a group, but Mr. Crowley viciously rips and tears into the group witteling them down with tons and tons of blood and gore and really super special effects.
And all during the movie I wanted to scream at the screen, "Don't do that!", "Don't go there!", but of course the folks lost in the swamp did that and went there and bad things happened to them and I just loved it. I don't really know why, but I did and I think you will too."
Would You Go into the Swamp After Dark?
Zachary Hackett | Reno, Nevada | 08/02/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just think, New Orleans, city of American Voodoo, built on the edge of a swamp. There's aligators in the swamp. There's something else too in this throwback to 1980's type slasher films. If you were young back then you probably remember going to the theater, these kinds of movies were always better shared in the dark, with about a hundred other people. Sadly, I only got to share it with my cat, but fortunately, I didn't get all that scared.
I laughed a lot though. Yes there was a bit of tension, but you knew what was going to happen, who was going to get axed. Still the thrill was there. And the effects were outstanding. I didn't know you could rip a face apart from the mouth. Maybe you can't, maybe you can if you're very strong. Our people hunting, bad guy, deformed Victor Crowley, played by Kane Hodder, is strong and he dispatches those who have entered his domain sans permission in a variety of bloody and gory ways that will put you right back in that movie theater. This is a fun movie, campy too. And it's one I'll be watching again and again."