Your Grievance Shall Be Avenged. — Beyond the veil of midnight lies a website, Type in the name of one upon which you desire retribution? And it will be served. If you truly desire to take revenge up... more »on those who have wronged you, just untie the scarlet thread from the totem?s neck. Pulling this thread will bind you into a covenant with Ai Enma, who will ferry the soul of your tormentor straight into the depths of Hell. However, once vengeance has been served, you will have to deliver on your end of the bargain. There always has to be a price to pay. When you die, your soul will also belong to Hell. You will never know the joys of Heaven. The decision rests with you. The Complete First Season Set contains episodes 1-26.
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"The horror anthology series has a long history. Shows like Twilight Zone, Night Gallery and old comic series like Vault Of Horror and Tales from the Crypt, were all once hugely popular. Although the anthology format has almost disappeared in the US, it still retains its popularity in Japan, especially with horror.
"Hell Girl" (A literal translation of the Japanese title,"Jigoku Shojo") is a great horror anthology series, steeped in traditional Japanese folklore. The Hell Girl herself, Enma Ai, has her name taken from Enma-O, the judge of the dead who balances the karmic scales and sends people to hell. She rides in Wanyudo, a flaming oxcart wheel with a man's face in the center that is said to be the traditional method of transport to Hell. Wanyudo is also one of Enma Ai's companions in meeting out vengeance, along with Hone Onna, the Bone Woman, and Ren Ichimoku who is a tsukumogami.
Each episode is essentially a new story, following a standard pattern. Someone is being victimized, and so they go to a website called "Hell Correspondence," where they enter in the names of the person they want revenge on. Enma Ai then appears, and hands them a straw doll with a red string around its neck. She explains that if they pull the string, who ever they have a grudge against will be sent immediately to Hell, but in payment the string-puller will also go to Hell when they die naturally. This compact is sealed by a sign upon the string-pullers chest, showing they are hell-bound.
The stories range from common problems like stalking and bullying to irresponsible doctors and uncaring mothers. Some of the episodes are cut-and-dry, but some are more complicated such as when Enma Ai refuses someone because their "rage is not strong enough." Later, some of the back story of Enma Ai and her group are revealed, such as how Wanyudo came to join the group and the relationships between the Hell Group. In Episode fourteen, Takuma Kurebayashi is introduced, who becomes a continuing character in some linked stories later on.
"Hell Girl" was a hugely popular series in Japan, with two more seasons as well as a being adapted into a comic book and a live-action TV series. The following series still have the anthology format, but go even deeper into the Enma Ai's story.
Funimation's "Hell Girl" release contains all 26 episodes of the first season, packaged onto four disks in slim cases. The presentation is really beautiful, as lovely as the animation inside. There are some nice bonus features, like a video character profile of Enma Ai that was used to promote the series, and a round-table discussion with the Japanese voice actors on what the series means. There is also a live-action music video, a "Making of" that video, and a textless opening and closing.
I thought "Hell Girl" was a great series. I love Japanese folklore, and it was great to see it so well-handled. This S.A.V.E. collection gives you the same package at a cheaper price, and is a really great deal!"
For Some Vengeance Is All They Want But IS the Ultimate Pric
Rich | CA | 02/09/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Like people have said this is indeed a dark series not for young children at all but truly meant for adults as most can probably tell. The series is mostly dealing with people who have grudges against someone else be they truly great or simply petty it doesn't really matter to Ai Enma also known as the Hell Girl. Ai Enma has a website that if found by someone will give them the opportunity to avenge themselves on someone they feel has wronged them or their family, the person who wishes to curse the person who wronged them makes a pact with Enma. Enma will indeed send the cursed person to Hell for eternal punishment but the cost to the one who makes the bargain is just as sever, he or she after their life is over will also be cursed to Hell as punishment for making the bargain and going through with it. The series shows with each episode situations that have both the feeling that "Yes this person does indeed deserve to go to Hell", but other situations show us that while it may seem harsh that it's for the most part Life, meaning there are situations of just standard school bullying and taunting, and so the question for the viewer is do some of these people deserve their consignment into Hell for some of these crimes. I also like how they show after the person has done the deed and they see the aftermath they have to wonder if what they have done is truly worth it and if it's made their life better like they thought it would. The picture is nice and clear and as always with Funimation the cast for both the English and Japanese cast did incredibly well. So if you like the dark animes like Hellsing or Vampire D this is another series that's worth you interest and time..."
Gorgeously Done.
Van E. Wood | Virginia | 02/04/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It has been a while since I have first set eyes on this series and must I say it's truly splendid, the art, the music, and characters you come across. It has a mix of a bit of feudal japan and modern day japan. I have seen both seasons of Hell Girl and working on the third. If you love a bit of horror,fantasy, and suspense then this series is wonderful for you.
Your main character is Ai Enma who is known as Hell Girl(or Jigoku Shoujo), and has a website that is ONLY available at midnight. People who wants revenge types in the name of the person who deserves to go to Hell. She will come possibly at that instant or later on and will hand you a black voodoo doll with a red string around it's neck. She says that once you curse some one by getting revenge you will also dig a second grave and once YOU die you will also be sent to Hell, but thats after you die by normal causes in life. She will disappear and watch you to see if you'll pull the string. She will exact your revenge and send your acquaintance on a ferry boat to Hell and give you a mark on some part of your body (usually on the chest) to show you that was your payment.
A dark series but truly and wonderfully made. Also made into a live action series, 3 anime seasons also a manga series that is continuing to be published here in NA by DELREY manga. Hope you enjoy the series and NOT be disappointed."
Hell Girl: The Complete First Season
F. Valette | Düsseldorf, Germany | 02/07/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Fascinating stories raising a number of profound philosiphical issues about evil, right and wrong, vengeance, salvation, and even the meaning of life!
Japanese cartoons like this series, or films such as Princess Mononoke, bring you food for thought and for meditation. They have nothing to do with the usual rubbish which is inflicted upon us on TV. In my view they could even be viewed by children below the age of 13."
Watch this Online First...You may not wanna buy this!
Michael | New York | 01/22/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"I just finished this series today and I gotta say I'm not that impressed. Hell Girl also known as Ai Enma runs a website known as the Hell correspondence. Initially most episodes are episodic in the sense that each episode is separate story in which the protagonist gets wronged by some individual, usually the antagonist and they end up contacting the Hell correspondence so they can enact their revenge. Which seems like a good idea considering the moral implications in the story but this gets rather repetitive. First 10-12 episodes I found myself asking, "Is this series ever gonna pick up or is it gonna continue being episode after episode of characters being wronged and then getting revenge." I mean the first 10-12 episodes seemed like just a different character with a different problem and then enter Hell Girl to enact revenge Ad nauseam. It wasn't until later episodes that two characters a journalist named Shibata Hajime, a former blackmailer, and his daughter Tsugumi where the series starts to get more in depth as far as plot structure. As you progress through the series you learn the reason why Hell correspondence exists or but its never that clear who's really pulling the strings. I suppose in season 2 & 3 they'll be getting more in depth with the story line. I suppose the viewer will also find out the background stories of some of the people assisting Hell Girl. Considering that this story didn't have such a horrible ending is a redeeming factor but the rest just falls flat. Like in series like Death Note the viewer is pushed to ask themselves, "Do wrongdoers deserve punishment for their wrongdoing? Or is everything not always so black and white." These moral implications make the premise a lot more interesting but in the end you must always pay a price.
Rating 1-10
Animation: 8
I would have hoped that with the punishment being Hell they would have made the initial punishments a lot more terrifying graphics wise but the characters and background settings are very well rendered.
Story line: 7
Like I said the first 10-12 episodes are extremely repetitive and at first watch I had to put this series down for a while and watch something else but eventually the story gets more in depth.
Characters: 6
Most characters who assist Ai Enma in Hell correspondence aren't given background stories and some of the characters who dish out revenge have background stories that really aren't that well developed.
Replay Value: 0
I don't think I'll be watching this again.
Overall Rating:
I gave this an Amazon 3 out of 5 because I just thought it was okay. At first watch it seemed like an interesting premise for an anime but it wasn't well executed at all. The ending was pretty good and it left me interesting in maybe watching the second and third seasons but hopefully it won't be as repetitive."