More fun from Hemalayaa
Emily | Kansas City, MO United States | 06/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I recently discovered Hemalayaa Behl's incredibly fun workouts "Bollywood Dance" and "Bollywood Burn" (check them out, they are a blast!) and I think I am going to love her "Beautiful Belly" workout just as much. Like the other two DVDs this one gets you sweating right away with lots of shimmies, hops, and other bhangra-inspired dance moves. In addition to the cardio, Hema also mixes in some more traditional abdominal work (pilates-type leg circles, yoga boat pose) and some non-traditional ab work as well.
The workout starts off with a six minute cardio warm-up. Following the warm-up are three separate twelve minute segments. Each of these segments incorporates both dance and ab work. If pressed for time you could do the warm-up and one of the twelve minute segments, but honestly, this workout is so much fun, once you start you don't want it to end. My only criticism of the workout is that there is no "cool-down" segment, which would be nice here because the final segment ends with some vigorous belly dance moves, and definitely left me sweating.
Like Hemalayaa's other two "dance" workouts, "Bollywood Dance" and "Bollywood Burn," this workout is driven by Hemalayaa's infectious spirit of fun and play. The set and costumes are great, the music keeps you moving, and Hema keeps you smiling and inspired."
Strong in Mind, Strong in Body
Michael R. Nichols | Fort Worth, TX USA | 12/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hemalayaa and Bollywood is a new concept for me. I recently purchased "Beautiful Belly" with Hemalayaa and will never use another work out video instructor. She is fun with a great attitude. The video has three different 12 minute workouts and a five minute warm up to keep boredom at bay. I started out doing the warm up, plus one of the three circuits. I am now able to do the full workout and my abs have never felt stronger!
Some of the dance moves require a lot of hopping and twisting so make sure your lower body joints are warmed up! If you are a klutz (like I can be) and the moves get too complicated, try doing jumping jacks or shimmying to keep the heartrate up. The idea is to mix cardio moves intermittenly with more specific ab work. You might want to research some very basic bellydance moves before starting because she may use words you are not familiar with. However, you can always just copy her movements.
IMPORTANT: This woman is obviously highly trained and very flexible. DO NOT attempt to make your moves look like hers unless you're very advanced. Most people will not form the perfect "Cobra" or "Downward Dog" the first time they try. She should talk more about your ability level, but since she doesn't, just keep it in mind!
This video is fun and addictive. The music is great and the set design is pleasing to the eye. I want to go out and buy a coin belt to start bellydancing now!"
Fast-paced dance, touch of pilates, bellydance, hatha & kund
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 03/05/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This dvd is was made with high quality production such as sound, great music w/fast beat, camerawork, set design & lighting as you see on the trailers. The menu also allows you to have both Hemalayaa instruction & music or just music & the choice of warm-up (5 min) or choice of 3 workouts (12 min each) or everything.
Hemalayaa comes off very friendly & fun even with the voice over. The only problem is in all her workouts *I rent a lot*, her energy is very erratic, jumpy, in all directions at once. If you're looking for soothing or fluid movements, you won't find it here, although she does have some body awareness. This is best when you have more energy then you can deal with, like a sugar high or other reason. The other issue is that there is VERY little instruction, which lets you hear the music, but when makes doing any belly dancing, or more importantly, yoga or pilates (which the point is to have the breath go w/the movement) almost dangerous. Since there is no modifications, PLEASE go at your own pace, the bouncing cobra position if you are not careful can hurt anyone's back. (Check google for any described poses/moves I've listed to see an image.)
Warm-up - all dancing, her style is mostly Indian with some minor stretching, standing crunches, twists & some 50s mashed potatoes dancing. The pace is VERY fast, she changes pretty often after she introduces a new move & it was perfect when I was on a sugar high, but may be too erratic otherwise.
Workout 1 - raised knee dancing & with 80s ab elbow twists to knee, lunge stretching bobbing back/forth, yoga cobra pose bouncing & stretch, cat/cow breathing fast, 4 direction back/forth belly thrusts which turn to hip circles, lay on back legs spread ab crunches then pilates hundred then straight leg criss crossing while legs lower & raise, pilates double leg circles, then stand & stretch to finish.
Workout 2 - crossed leg seated torso side, fwd & corner stretching, slight dancing movement same stretching, kundalini yoga torso fwd/back fast w/fire breath (never mentions proper breathing) & torso circular grind. Down dog yoga to one legged hopping dance that turns to bangera hop dancing, grapevine style ocean wave dance. kneeling bowing up/down, kundalini yoga elbow/torso twists, kneeling bowing w/pilates modified mermaid stretches back/forth, yoga cobra, yoga modified plank on elbows, elbow plank w/ alternating quick drop knee, then plank w/drop knee & twist, cat/cow breathing, reclined yoga twist. then up to bangera hop dance again to finish.
Workout 3 - Yoga chair pose w/arm fwd/back movements, both arms swinging back/forth, twisting hips fast (washing machine she calls it), hoping shimmmy w/arms out, undulations (no instruction given), hip bumps/thrusts, walk & alternate the above dance moves. sitting straight leg fwd bend, wide leg bends to the side & fwd, back/forth fast, sitting legs fwd torso w/arms in circular movement (qi gong movement), yoga boat, yoga boat w/legs wide, sitting w/wide legs & leaning back, sitting w/legs wide & off the ground slightly, cobra. Dancing bounce with legs wide & arms swing & repeat all the previous dance movements.
Considering all the issues I raised, the reason I still give it 4 stars not 2-3 is that it IS fun if you can keep up & know the movements, and I did feel a slight soreness in my muscles the next day. I did the whole workout of course.
More videos: 4 on youtube"
Yoga and Bellydance Workout
Rebecca Johnson | Washington State | 02/20/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hemalayaa is a woman who is very comfortable in her body. She moves sensuously through a routine that combines the best of yoga and bellydance. The set is gorgeous with a beautiful tent and cushions spread across the floor (see the amazon video). Hemalayaa dances and moves on a huge Persian carpet.
If you are familiar with bellydance then you will recognize the shimmies and undulations. There are a few yoga postures like cobra, downward dog, cat/cow, boat and upward dog. The exercises are divided into three 12-minute sections, which you can play together for a full-body workout.
I felt this workout in my hips, thighs and belly. This is perfect for anyone already familiar with yoga and bellydance and may not be for beginners as no detailed instructions are given. The moves are fast paced and very sensual and you will feel the burn. I modified some of the higher impact moves so there was not as much stress on my feet and knees.
If you are bored with other routines that seem to focus on crunches then you will be happy to do this routine which emphasizes having fun instead of being structured. Hemalayaa's workouts are spontaneous and creative and you will forget you are working out they are so entertaining. I also loved the Indian music in this workout!
I can also recommend:
Hemalaya Behl: Yoga for Urban Living
Yoga for Urban Living: Evening Bath
Yoga for Urban Living: Daily Connection
Yoga for Urban Living: Morning Quickie
~The Rebecca Review