Sock Crosby-Wyman tint tuner
Movie Guy | England | 07/27/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Yes, Its Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman in a colorful, tuneful musical comedy - Just for You (1952) The songs are excellent and include the lively Zing a Little Zong as well as The Live Oak Tree, I'll Si Si Ya in Bahia and a Mexican Ballet sequence. In the picture Bing is having trouble with his teenage children, played by Robert Arthur and Natalie Wood. Ethel Barrymore appears in the picture as a school headmistress cum motor mechanic, specialising in starting tricky outboard motors! Excellent fun all the way. The film does, however, have its serious moments and makes a good point regarding the music publishing business.
Here Comes the Groom was made in 1951 in Black & White. This is an excellent musical comedy (Directed by Frank Capra) with serious moments. Alex Smith appears in the picture and a rival to Jane Wyman for Bing's affections. Songs include In the Cool Cool Cool of the Evening, Your Own Little House, Misto Christopher Columbus and Bonne Nuit. There are a few cameo guest appearances.
The quality is excellent especially considering the material is over 50 years old. The double bill is good value for money. Enjoy!
Warm fuzzies to spare.
Hal Owen | Burbank, California USA | 08/30/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Fans of the great Bing Crosby will certainly enjoy this double bill from the early 1950's. With the Hollywood studios reeling from the effects of television, the House On UnAmerican Activites Committee, and the war in Korea, "Here Comes The Groom/Just For You" were and are better than average musical fare both then and now. Both films find Mr. Crosby in splendid voice with better than average song material such as "Zing a Little Zong" and the Oscar winning "In the Cool,Cool,Cool of the Evening." Famed director Frank Capra, who gave us such American classics as "You Can't Take It With You" and the holiday favorite "It's A Wonderful Life" elevates "Here Comes The Groom" out of the level of routine studio fare while Elliott Nugent wraps a twenty year career behind the camera with his jewel-like "Just For You." In addition to Crosby, both films feature the radiant Jane Wyman and a number of major stars to include Franchot Tone and Ethel Barrymore along with rising stars Natalie Wood and Anna Maria Alberghetti. Like another Bing Crosby double film offering, "Holiday Inn/Going My Way", "Here Comes The Groom/Just For You" serves as a pleasant reminder just how much fun movie musicals were and still are."
2 ON 1
alain robert | ST-HUBERT,QUÉBEC | 01/12/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"JUST FOR YOU is mainly a vehicule for JANE WYMAN and BING CROSBY who had great chemistry together.We all know how it's gonna end and the plot is a little melodramatic.Nevertheless,it is a rather pleasant affair.After a very shaky start,HERE COMES THE GROOM becomes hilarious and shows CAPRA getting the most of all his actors.It is the only film of the fifties whose highlight is a wrestling match between two women.BING has a field day in this part and it's easy to understand why the director thought that he was a fabulous actor.The producers certainly knew that IN THE COOL,COOL,COOL OF THE EVENING was going to be a hit.If you like BING but never saw this movie,you are missing something."