Loving work
book worm | puerto rico | 05/14/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"this movie is in spanish. not dubbed. it received an honorary mention at vina del mar international film festival in chile. puertorrican actors, producers and director. first feature length for this young director. "a viewers's" review shows a huge lack of education regarding puerto rico's and united state's history. not even the president of the united states understood vietnam's war. well, neither did puertorricans. 48,000 "boricuas" took part in the conflict. so it has nothing to do with the pro-independence from the united states movement in the island. a literal translation for the title would be another homeland's heroes. to any puertorrican homeland is puerto rico, not the united states. it is only when you bring the military issue when division arises."
Excelente cartel, encomiable intención, pésimo resultado
(3 out of 5 stars)
"***This movie IS NOT DUBBED in Spanish. It was originally filmed in Spanish.
***Esta película no está doblada al español. Fue filmada en español.Melodrama sobreextendido. Pudo haber sido (y tengo entendido que fue) un gran cortometraje. De todos modos, vale la pena verla, siendo el único largometraje sobre los puertorriqueños en la guerra de Vietnam.This is an overextended melodrama. It could have been (and I believe it was) an excellent short. Nevertheless, it is worth watching, given that this is the only feature-length film about Puerto Ricans in Vietnam."
Not only about Puerto Rico
NeferAkhen | PR | 10/12/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is not only for all the Puerto Ricans that fought in Vietnam War. It is for ALL people regardless of their ethicity that have been FORCED to fight in a war they didn't want to fight. Being a Puerto Rican movie it is easier to talk about the issue that touches us. You have two main characters: one that has been forced to go in a war he doesn't want to participate in and another one who is obsessed in participating in the war. They influence each other in a positive way. Because of the circunstances there is an internal fight in one of the latter's mind.
It is the story of men who fight for another country, because, I don't know about you, but to me Puerto Rico is MY country. Regardless of our political status and the way the world economy works.
It is a very touching story and it's relatable to anyone who have had experiences in being forced into the military to fight a war you didn't want to go in and how it affects your family, no matter if you're from the US, Canada, PR, Vietnam or the rock you live under."
NeferAkhen | 03/17/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Far from having an agenda, this is a thoughtful film. I resent the ignorant comment tying the movie to the independent movement in Puerto Rico, which by the way, means independence from the United Stated. Anyway, this film is about those who fight for a country that's not truly their own. It is based on a moment in our (and the world's) history that affected EVERYONE, not just those from one political party or another. True, film arts have a long way to go in Puerto Rico, but this is certainly NOT a movie about which we should be ashamed or that we should cast aside."