HEY HEY ITS ESTHER BLUEBURGER - sometimes to fit in you have to stand out. — A hilarious coming of age comedy — Hey, Hey Its Esther Blueburger is a hilarious coming of age comedy that explores what its really like to be an o... more »utsider in your own world. Esther (newcomer Danielle Catanzariti) is not like other girls; she befriends a duck, talks to God through the toilet and break-dances at her bat-mitzvah. Her school is a daily torment of mind-numbing conformity and bell-ringing rituals. Home is a pressure cooker driven by her mother Graces (Essie Davis) demand for perfection. But life changes when Esther meets uber hip Sunni, (Keisha Castle- Hughes) and her off beat single mother Mary (Toni Collette) and slips out of her oppressive all-girls private school and into a public one under the guise of a foreign exchange student. She learns that its ok to be different and that being true to yourself is more important than fitting in.« less