A Tripple Slaughter
Andrew G. Randall | Ontario,Canada | 11/29/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A tripple horror to put together.Let me start with Hell High.A good intro at the begining. as the little girl sings along a path as she walks to her playhouse area and sees a shocking moment when this guy doesnt treat his girlfriend right and as they leave she throws a bucket of mud in the boyfriends face gets out of control on his motorbike and they both get killed.This hidden guilt is in the childs consious right into her adult life as a teacher.The teachers name is miss storm , dealing with her students is no picnic either.One leader of a group character Dickens wants to get back at her.Played by actor Christopher Stryker.He lures another guy whos not football material anymore a stuffed shirt nice student to join his group.Pranks happen at the teachers home.Mayhem starts to begin. I had this movie on Vhs at the time.On the dvd a part is missing.the cafe scene.When cha cha the guy Dickens lures in takes the quarterbacks jacket and they try to frame him in their crime scene. You viewers see what happens at the end.The Majorettes is also related to football and cheerleaders and theres a crazy guy killing them off.This movie takes place in a religious town.People that are religious fanatics.To do with siners.This sort of relates to a clue of these murders. The next third how it relates to high school its beyond me.Its march break theres a pathisist disturbed guy traveling around the beach of Virgina in his camper and picks up these woman that remind him of his mother. Comes from a very rich backround.But disturbing.I wanted this set because I wanted the movie hell high.These two movies came with it as a box set.A slasher to enjoy and how the other two relate to football."