Little Miss Cutey | Melbourne, Australia | 06/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I don't know why I can't stop watching The Hills, but it's strangely addictive. I feel like I just have to know what's going on with them all and the 'drama' and typical fights between friends makes my life seem normal.
I love how this is the biggest season so far. There's at least double the episodes in this season than in season 1 (I know reality shows did really well when the writers strike was on). In the first episode, we see that there is still tension and drama between Lauren and Heidi. Now they are complete enemies. Audrina becomes Laurens roommate. Later down the track we see Heidi and Spencer get closer to their wedding, boyfriends come and go, the introduction of Spencers sister Stephanie, Lauren and Whitney going to Paris, lots of nightclubbing, new roommates and on and on.
While The Hills may not be everyones cup of tea, it's better than any soap on TV. It kind of hypnotises you and hooks you in. I really enjoy watching it and recommend it to all reality show freaks and people who love trashy yet fun shows. It's great."
The Hills is a Win!
Wicked Ways | Broooklyn, NY | 05/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The third season of the mtv reality drama the hills is here and it is the best one yet!!!! The shows third season is the most dramatic, fun, and oh so full of drama and gossip. Mtv's The Hills is the most addicting show out there right now in a rich club land world of 2o something girls whose every move is followed by the mtv crew. Its a dazzling and gorseously shot LA world in which nothing ever really happens, but yet you cannot look away. This season finds Lauren having to prover herself to her Teen Vogue boss and preparing for other work opprotunities. Her friend Whitney deals with her first real job and the aftermath of wanting something more than what she has. Audrina relationship with the ever grungy and sleazy Justin Bobby slowly unravels, while her deep bond with Lauren is sorely tested when a new friend moves in. The most talked about feud in recent history is also here between former best friends Lauren and Heidi. How can you not love the Hills? This season is 28!!! episodes long ( and upgrade from season 1's 10 episode arch), and the juiceness is just beginning."
The hills best reailty show
Wicked Ways | 05/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"THE hills is the best reailty tv series icant wait till it comes out! and the season finale was great lots of drama but wont spill since some people havent watched it so let me just say this, every1 should buy the hills any1 who likes reailty. 5 stars the hills team heidi and lauren u girls rock! and the whole cast does."
Fun and love in the city
Kathryn A. Roach | aspen, co usa | 07/26/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love this series and I love Lauren! This is a series I can relate to in many ways and I am so excited to have the third dvd and see the new 4th season!"
Love this show, love this season
Geneva | arizona | 06/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The hills is the ultimate guilty pleasure show. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to resist getting sucked into the dramatic lives of Lauren Conrad and her friends as the cameras follow their practically every move in LA.
During a very drama filled season 2, where Lauren is not only betrayed by her friend Jen Bunny, she is also having major problems with her other best friend/roommate Heidi, mostly having to do with Heidi's boyfriend Spencer Pratt, who is also Laurens newfound enemy. At the end of the season, Heidi moves out with Spencer, and Audrina takes Heidis place as Laurens new roommate.
Now, during the even more drama filled season 3, we see Lauren and Heidi have a major blow-out over Lauren accusing Heidi and Spencer of spreading sex tape rumors about her, we see what life is like for Heidi as she loses most of her girlfriends due to her living with Spencer, we see Lauren and Audrina grow closer since they are roommates, and we see Audrinas rocky relationship with her moody boyfriend Justin Bobby. We also see the return of Laurens boyfriend, Jason Wahler, who has a pretty big surprise in store for Lauren.
All in all, this is a great season, probably the best one so far!"