THE SATANIC RITES OF DRACULA — Christopher Lee made one of his final appearances on the big screen as the malevolent Count with a lust for blood, in The Satanic Rites of Dracula. In this dark and diabolical tale, Count Drac... more »ula fronts a satanic cult that uses a research establishment and real estate business as a cover for its dastardly deeds in 1970s London. The Count and his followers develop a deadly strain of the bubonic plague, plotting to release it into the unsuspecting city streets. With the entire human race in jeopardy, the dutiful Dr. Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) and Inspector Murray (Michael Coles) set out to stop the evil Count and his minions from carrying out their devilish plan.
When Napoleonic cavalry soldier Lt. Andre Duvalier (Jack Nicholson) becomes estranged from his unit, he comes upon a mysterious woman named Helene (Sandra Knight) along the coast of Germany. The lieutenant is immediately taken with Helene but quickly becomes suspicious of her actions. It seems as if she is leading him into deadly traps: the powerful ocean's tide and pits of quicksand. Things take an even stranger turn when Duvalier seeks refuge at a nearby castle maintained by a baron (Boris Karloff), and Helene unexpectedly appears there. The baron is convinced that Helene is the ghost of his long-departed wife Ilsa, but the lieutenant believes Helene is under a hypnotic spell cast by an old witch that is scheming against the baron - slowly driving him to the brink of madness in an act of ruthless revenge...
Brother and sister Johnny (Russell Streiner) and Barbara (Judith O'Dea) travel to a remote town in Pennsylvania to visit the gravesite of their deceased father. But the dreaded trip turns into a terrifying nightmare when a flesh-eating zombie attacks the pair, killing Johnny. Barbara escapes and runs to the first residence she sees - a lone farmhouse where a group of people has taken refuge against the monsters. But their hiding place isn't safe for long. When darkness falls, a mass of ravenous zombies descends upon the house, and by the dawning of the next day, all that's left is a sole survivor.
When a brilliant scientist, Dr. Paul Carruthers (Bela Lugosi), develops an ingenious product and is cheated out of his fair share of the profits by his greedy partners, Roy Heath (John Ellis) and Don Morton (Gene O'Donnell), Carruthers decides to use his brain rather than brawn to get vengeance. The scientist turns his laboratory of science into one of doom as he creates a giant race of bats that turn into ripping and shredding beasts of fury when they catch wind of a particular scent that Carruthers puts into a special cologne and aftershave. Now armed with his killing machines, the good-scientist-gone-bad has the power to kill at will with his mutant bats doing his bidding. The families of Carruthers' partners are his first targets, but Heath and Morton's time is going to come. And when it does - it won't be pretty...« less