"I can't believe that no one else has reviewed this dvd. take advantage of the low price and BUY THIS NOW! i'm no expert on the HOT ROD scene, but this was very enjoyable. The footage of pinstripe artist SKRATCH is worth the price alone.
I would say anyone who is into watching creative people do something artistic and original will really love this. you get to see the creative process of some great project cars, as well as getting into the motivation of some of the builders and car club members. I will definitely be watching this one a few times."
R. C. Gibilterra | USA | 01/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I couldn't agree with the previous writer NICKY more . This is a fantastic DVD on "layin' it down" when it comes to "rats" or "hot rod" insight of what you're looking at as far as labor intensive time and thought.It's work to build from groundup like they used to do in the heyday of rodding (40's 50s &60's ), but it's FUN WORK !! CREATIVE!!
The dvd also has info.on PIN STRIPPING,"SCRATCH"who can really lay it down beautifully. Ian Rouchell "the rat rodmam"considershimselfmore of a metal artist and sculpter , than a machanic kustom car builder . THISguy is an artist alright , and an absolutely unbelivable kustom rod builder. it blows my mind how a guy can just casually go out into the STREETS , ALLEYS , or local junk yards , and find find what most folks would consider crud , and make a MASTERPIECE out of it. This is a must have for ANY VINTAGE car fan once again!! and for the price , COME ON ! Dig out thefew bucks and check it out. I don't know these guys and this is NO pitch as to help them out. All I know is I stumbled across this dvd at WAl-MART of all places , bought it ,loved it, loaned it out to a couple"
Art meets Rat Fink
John D. Aldridge | Waimanalo, Hawaii | 06/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Got this at Walmart for $5. (sorry, Amazon) Was expecting it to be a passably decent thrown togeather thing at best. Turns out this is a well made professional deal. Got great original music. Introduces us to people dedicated to their art. Intimate examination of the creative process. Some of these guys are true artists, with vehicles as their mode of expression. Highly recommended."
Got this at the WalMart $5 bin..
Jose Lopez | Miami,Florida USA | 03/02/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Cool Dvd, Too much on how to fabricate instead of just seeing the cars drive by."
Rat Rodderz Rejoice
Nick | 12/01/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a great dvd. The mechanics and scrappers they found for this movie are funny and interesting. If you like old school and rat rods this movie is for you."