"Most Boomers already know why they love these particular flicks, so I'll get right to the important stuff: The Giant Claw, The Werewolf and Zombies of Mora Tau are all in the Anamorphic widescreen format (Creature with the Atom Brain is fullscreen). All the prints are sharp with crisp soundtracks. This is really a long way from all the poor bootlegs and cable copies that many Boomers were forced to live with for so many decades.
Although these films are important to many who grew up with them, either seeing them during their first runs in the movies or later on Chiller Theater, some newer viewers may not see them in the same light (many younger people won't bother watching them for the simple fact that they're not in color). But then again, these newer viewers will never know of that magical time when these flicks were lighting up the huge screens in Movie Palaces and Drive-In theaters throughout the country.
It will be the true enthusiasts of this genre who will see this set as a home run, especially at these prices. Kill the lights, then hold tightly onto your honey and enjoy!"
Rainy Saturdays and the Saturday Afternoon horror double fea
John D. Page | usa | 08/29/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm still in the second childhood phase and looking for all the old movies I watched as a child. This collection features some of the movies that I watched on those long ago Saturdays. While not great they are very fun and in some cases very funny.
1.The Giant Claw= The last word on monster fx's. You can see the strings and the "bird" looks laughable, but the movie is still great fun if you let it be.
2.The Werewolf= An "atomic" twist on the old werewolf legend and really pretty good
3.Zombies Of Mora Tua= Silly and very funny.
4.The Creature With The Atom Brain= Brain dead fun
Not for all taste but some fun for anyone who loves these old cheesy movies like I do.
What's in the boxset?
joseph Corey | Raleigh, NC United States | 07/29/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Are you pondering the question: Who is Sam Katzman and why is he an icon of horror? Sam was a producer of B movies. He was the one who introduced Col. Tom to the idea of cranking out cheaper Elvis movies with "Kissin Cousins" and "Harum Scarum." He also made a few Ray Harryhausen films. He cranked out Rock Around the Clock and Twist Around the Clock. He coined the term "Beatnik." He produced over 200 movies during his lifetime. This collects 4 of his scary flicks
Childhood nightmares
RUSTY | NEW YORK United States | 10/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My dad took me to the movies back in the 1950's when "The Werewolf" and"Creature with the Atom Brain " were in their first run theatrical release. After seeing "Creature" this 8yr old boy was afraid to go to bed.
It haunted me for a long, long time. When I saw it again as an adult those childhood chills came right back. Glad these classics are getting a top notch release replacing the terrible copies made from poor prints."
! MR. KNOW IT ALL ;-b | TRI STATE AREA | 11/08/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am happy to review this box set of delicious Turkey for everyone who loves old B horror and sci-fi movies. These 4 films are making their debut on DVD and were never released on VHS for that matter. The Prints are very clean with excellent audio so this set is a dream come true for fans of the genre. The set includes
The Werewolf 4 stars
A very good werewolf film
The Giant Claw 4 stars
Hysterical giant bird from outer space!
This one is worth the price alone.
Creature with the Atom Brain 3 stars
Silly fun sci-fi revenge!
Zombies of Mora Tau 3 stars
More silly fun...a total crack up!
Extras include:
Very clean prints of the trailers for each film and extra trailers.
Midnight Blunders short (I never saw this before) Very Good! it reminded me of the 3 stooges.
Mr. Magoo cartoon Terror finds Magoo
Sinister series episode 2 of Mysterious Island
Considering the great transfers and extras/trailers, you can't go wrong for the price! This is the best turkey I've had in years!
Now it's time for some classic Turkey with Ed Wood!