Ikki Tousen... Romance Of The Three Kingdoms with Panty Shot
Julian Kennedy | St Pete Florida | 11/22/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Ikki Tousen: 8 out of 10: The term fan service is thrown around a lot when people discuss Anime. Ikki Tousen is the greatest (or worst) example of blatant fan service I have seen outside of a pornographic Hentai.
One could easily watch the first few episodes and could think that blatant and somewhat creepy fan service is all Ikki Tousen offers, but something funny happened I got drawn into the story.
In an alternate universe High Schools exist for fighting tournaments. The students wear teardrops shaped earrings that contain the essence of warriors from the Three Kingdoms period in China (also known as called the Six Dynasties) that followed the loss of de facto power by the Han Dynasty emperors. Each character in Ikki Tousen is predestined to the fate of their respective warrior.
So a history lesson is mixed in between the shots of leave nothing to the imagination white panties. Does that really excuse a grown man watching topless high school girls beat each other up?... Probably not no.
The animation is rudimentary and the episodes can be a touch repetitive. There is also that guy blushing sex humor I despise. Nevertheless, as soon as I start to fail to warm to the episodes something dramatic happens too break the pattern (The lesbian rape in Episode 6 Roku is a particular game changer.)
So if you enjoy a good Anime and do not currently appear on any sex offender lists I can highly recommend Ikki Tousen. Give it a few episodes you may be drawn into the history and characterization. Alternatively, you might just be a sick in the head... different strokes and all that.
Cute girls, goofy characters, confusing plot...why 5 out of
maskedgamer | 05/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
All I have to say is Season 2!
I caught the english dub of Ikki Tousen after learning that Carrie Savage (voice actor that plays Hakafu) says that this was one of her most favorite anime's that she did in her career. If you know Carrie Savage's work than you know she has a very cute child like voice (check out Solty Rei). I like Carrie so I thought that I'd check it out.
I will say that Ikki Tousen off the top isn't the type of anime I go for. This one is pretty much nonstop fan service. Yeah I enjoy some fan service in the likes of (Burst Angel) but this is no holes barred for 12 episodes. It's entertaining to see, but somehow it cheapens the serious plot.
The plot of Ikki Tousen in itself is interesting. There is a group of teenagers that live out their lives as the reincarnations of fallen heroes from a story called "The romance of 3 kingdoms" they all posses the powers of the warriors from these stories, and live out thier lives according to the tales. However, they wish to defeat the fate that their incarnations fell victim to 1800 years ago. They go around fighting eachother only to solve the 1800 year old quarrels of their predecessors.
Each group of fighters has a leader that they follow, and each group is classified by the highschool they represent. Some schools are friend,some schools are foe, but in the end they all share the same destinies as Kingdoms of long ago.
Ikki tousen focuses on the story of a clumsy girl named Hakafu who likes going around fighting random people while wearing a very short skirt. In the series we follow Hakafu as she discovers herself and her new found friends. Through her journey she finds out that she's more special than she thinks she is. She is actually the reincarnation of a powerful warlord names Sonsaku Hakafu. What makes Ikki-Tousen entertaining is that Hakafu is just an airheaded 16 year old girl, but inside her is a powerful warlord that lies dormant.
On Hakafu's journey you get to meet other characters with the same delimma Hakafu has. They are bound to the fates of their predessors wether they like it or not. Some of these characters accept the fate given to them, while others whos fates mean tradgedy try to fight against it. The story has a wierd pace as it jumps from Serious to Sexy to Hilarious then back again. Overall the first series (the English Box set) is pretty light, the series gets extremely serious and dark in Season 2(only available in Japanese).
I thought the first season of Ikki Tousen was so so entertaining, but mainly because of the way the story was being told. The seriousness of the story doesn't shine through untill you get to watch the other seasons 2&3 then it all makes sense.
Season 1 sort of paves the way for the plot, but with its strange style of giveing you Comedy,T&A(you know what I mean), and Tradgedy all at once it can be very confusing. The story ties up in 12 episodes so it goes slow at first, then wraps up pretty quickly. You don't get to see so closely into the personalites of but a few fighters in the Season 1 box set, but you understand them more in the 2nd and 3rd seasons. Character development in the Season 1 set isn't really there, or better yet isn't shown as well as in the other seasons.
Bottom line, as a stand alone season, The complete box set isn't worth your time. You won't get much of a story but you will get plenty of fan service if that's what your looking for.
I reccomend this DVD be brought along with the season 2 and season 3 disc if you can get your hands on them. Ikki Tousen season 1 is pretty much only half a story without watching the other seasons.
Anime to Fight over!!!
David E. Kroll | Tempe | 03/16/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Great boxed set, item covers the whole spance of the serise.
Not for children but also not full of nudty"