Patrick B. (royale) from TERRE HAUTE, IN Reviewed on 7/7/2010...
This movie was a lot of fun. It is a comedic monster flick and it is actually funny. The characters are mostly stereotypical but the story puts them in some horrific, and sometimes, humorous situations. If you liked Shawn of the Dead and/or Zombieland, you would probably enjoy this movie.
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Movie Reviews
Great fun, eye-popping effects, and Ray Wise.
Maine Writer | Maine, USA | 07/21/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I was fortunate enough to attend the US premiere of Infestation, a nifty science fiction story with just the right amount of comedy, terrific performances by stars new and old, and snappy dialogue. Although it was made on what amounts to a "shoestring" (less than $5 million), you'd never know it from the great cinematography (by Thomas Ackerman of Beetle Juice and Anchorman fame), silky (no pun intended) special effects (from newcomer/phenom Efram Potelle), and a crisp, fast-moving script (by director Kyle Rankin).
Chris Marquette (as main character, Cooper) is by turns endearing and heroic. At times seeming to channel Shia Labeouf (without the "no, no, no, no, no's"), he comes across as both real and genuinely charming, and his transformation from phone rep (today's factory worker) to an against-all-odds hero holds the center of the movie. Ray Wise gets off some great one liners as his dad, Ethan, and Dale Simonton is memorable as a boss who's up to his ears with telemarketing slackers. (Oddly and disappointingly, Simonton's character simply disappears after a dramatic entrance.)
Of course, Infestation isn't perfect. The underlying story has "echoes" from quite a few other films, and sometimes it's hard to distinguish between an "homage" and a copy. For example, there's more than a bit of Alien (and Aliens) in the mix, both in terms of visual imagery and the presentation and organization of the "things" doing the infesting. Yet, Infestation comes across as a charming spoof that incorporates notions from a variety of science fiction films in a playful and knowing nod to serious stuff that's come before it. In addition, the groups' journey from the city to the scene of their final encounter wasn't as suspenseful as it should have been. If it had a bit more of the out-of-control sense of danger in Shaun of the Dead, I think it would have been a better film for it.
I can't review this movie without a nod to the ending. Of all the ways Infestation could have, shall we say, landed, the final scene -- which I won't give away -- is pretty damn perfect. I'll just let you experience it."
*GAG* Where Do The Legs Come From?
Brian Lueth | Chicago, IL United States | 09/11/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Hey what a treat! Infestation wasn't incredibly hilarious or anything and the characters weren't particularly likable (or sensible) but the film has some things going for it that really do entertain. For starters, the CG is tight and well done, the hybrids are actually creepy and gross and anything with Ray Wise is worth watching once. There's even some gore! You're not going to find a classic "insects gone amok" movie here but an entertaining film is an entertaining film. If giant crawling beetles, flying wasp monsters, spider-like workers and a massive, grubbish queen insect sound like a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon, you'd be right! This is B-movie cheese through and through!"
Oh...mister reader? [la de da de da]...
GratedTopping | 01/02/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"In this good monster flick, with humour and neat special effects & gross-out scenes, you'll watch giant bugs take over the world. Well, that's assumed; it's the world of Cooper (Chris Marquette) that you're focusing on.
He's a 'slacker office drone', as stated on the DVD case, and he wakes up in a giant cocoon. Freeing some others, they fight back against bugs that either scamper; fly; or are human/bug hybrids. The fact that they are deaf does help the people in their 'sticky' situations.
Things start almost immediately without explanation; at least I didn't catch it if it happened. Ray Wise also stars as the father of Cooper and he plays the military-type well. The lovely Brooke Nevin stars as Cooper's love interest and the two of them are having fun in this flick.
Both are shown on the cover artwork of the DVD, but it's misleading. I WANTED to see Cooper brandishing a tennis racket and hitting the bugs or Nevin's character with the big gun and blowing the creatures away -- but neither of them took place.
Apparently, this was shown on SyFy (what?). I don't even watch TV or have cable channels; I guess that changed from the more sensible Sci-fi name.
Anyway, it was a good time user (not waster) and I just picked up my copy the other day. Fast-paced and cool...but the ending was almost immediate and disappointing. It opens the door for a sequal, which I'd like to have happen, but I didn't like the conclusion one bit.
Almost forgot: you'll understand that title once you see this movie."
Surprisingly good
N. Durham | Philadelphia, PA | 10/29/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A low budget, B-movie blast that ends up being a surprisingly good modern monster movie, Infestation is plenty enjoyable. Chris Marquette (Freddy VS Jason, The Girl Next Door) stars as Cooper, a slacker office drone, who becomes an unlikely hero when mutant alien bugs invade and begin to kill and cocoon everything and everyone in sight. Eventually, Cooper teams up with a handful of survivors (including hottie Brooke Nevin) as they fight off the hordes of giant bugs, with a good amount of tongue in cheek humor filling everything out in between. For a low budget flick, Infestation boasts some pretty good special effects work, and with genre stalwart Ray Wise along for the ride as Cooper's militant father, what's not to like here? All in all, Infestation is definitely something that is worth your time and attention."
Dumb fun.
Robert P. Beveridge | Cleveland, OH | 08/28/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Infestation (Kyle Rankin, 2009)
The newest film from Rankin (The Battle of Shaker Heights) would really, really be a bad movie if it didn't come off as a spoof of Sci-Fi Channel Original Movies. That saves it, for the most part, but much of the time I was trying to figure out whether it was meant as a spoof or whether it was actually one of those movies that's just so abominably bad that it ends up with a veneer of greatness because of its incredible ineptitude. Either interpretation is possible. One way or the other, it's not nearly as awful as the usual Sci-Fi (oh, excuse me, Syfy) Channel dreck, and as such you may consider it worth your time.
Cooper (Race to Witch Mountain's Chris Marquette) is a layabout whose insane father (Twin Peaks' Ray Wise) has gotten him a job at what seems to be a telemarketing firm. That, of course, is not going to last long. As he is called inot his boss' office to get fired, however, a loud, high-pitched whine overcomes them both. When Cooper comes to, he's encased in webs. He digs his way out and finds himself confronted with a whole office in webs, and what looks like a very large rhinoceros beetle threatening him. He starts digging out other people, hoping someone will have an explanation (or a way to stop the bugs), but it seems everyone he gets his hands on is even more lackadaisical than he is. Still, they set off for Cooper's father's survivalist mansion in the mountains, hoping the old man will have some ideas.
Infestation walks a very, very thin line between stupid and funny. It never quite manages to stay on one side or the other, as the best movies of this type do, but there's enough of both to satisfy most every taste, as well as some gratuitous nudity, a dash of violence, and some competent special effects. Overall... not horrible. Worth killing a few hours with. ** ½