The screen s most comically inept detective wreaks havoc on the boulevards of Paris as he, with the help of his sidekick Deux Deux, wages a single-minded (and narrow-sighted) battle for justice. Initially presented as thea... more »trical attractions, the cartoons gained a much greater audience when they were broadcast as part of the Pink Panther animated television series. This special edition collects all 34 episodes of The Inspector, on two discs.
Bonus Features: Commentaries for selected episodes by Friz Freleng (compiled from archival interviews), filmmaker Greg Ford, author Mark Arnold, and historian Jerry Beck | New documentary on the history of DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, featuring interviews with Friz Freleng, Greg Ford, animator/director Art Leonardi, ink & paint artist Barbara Donatelli, Jerry Beck, and critic Will Friedwald.« less