A Great Story Continues
Dr. Michael A. Rinella | Albany, NY United States | 07/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Episode 52, A Demon's True Nature is the most appealing of the three episodes, particularly after the very disgusting moth-demon is disposed of. Half demon Inu Yasha gives a glimpse of what he really would be like if he were to fulfill his quest to become a full demon, and suffice to say it isn't pretty, and the body count is high. He pretends to be brave about it afterwards, but Kagome's "Don't kid yourself" and the dialogue that follows is some of the most honest and moving of any episode. This one just gets better and better as it continues.
The next two episodes, 53 and 54, set the tone for a number of future episodes, which is both good and bad. The musical score gets increasingly rich, and the animation is as good as ever. We also get to find out about the demon-dragon, or dragon-demon, Ryukotusei, that appears in the end-credits along with Inu Yasha's brother in a number of early episodes. But what unfolds is fairly predictable. It boils down to another "what new neat thing can we make Inu Yasha's sword Tetsusaiga do". Ok ok, wind scar, backlash wave, we get it already, it's one powerful sword. Inu Yasha will emerge signficantly more powerful than he was before. The question is, is he now more powerful than his father, or does he yet have to accomplish more?
The original elements that made the series so interesting, the Arch Demon Naraku, Sango's little brother, Inu Yahsa's lost love Kikyo, even Kagome's family, all seem to have faded into the background while more and more second-rank antagonists, allies, and others appear on the scene. Even the quest to retrieve the shards of the sacred jewel seems to have lost much of its importance. Still, it is always interesting, visually exciting, the sound is great, and the characters well-rounded. For episode 52 especially, it's worth the price.
Box cover is a bit of a departure, in that you have only Inu Yasha, no Kagome or other characters, just Ryukotusei. Extras, as always, are fairly minimal."
Inuyasha reaches a new level
Ronnie Clay | Winnsboro, Louisiana | 07/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'd say "The Demon Within" episode is the first of the third season cause Adult Swim showed this episode first to start new episodes. Inuyasha is fighting this big moth dragon like demon named Ryukotsugei, the same demon Inuyasha's father imprisoned long ago. It was the last time that Inuyasha had transformed into his full demon blood when he was fighting the big monster once Inuyasha grab his Tetsusagia he changed back into a half demon then for the first time he learn the backlash wave then the defeated the monster. He also learn how to use the windscare anytime he wants. And his swoard got lighter."