Sesho | Pasadena, TX USA | 01/15/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Rin and Jaken are like two peas in a pod when it comes to serving Sesshomaru, in that they do very little in terms of actually serving him. Rin doesn't really care about this fact. She's pretty much taken to Inuyasha's older brother as a protective father figure to make up for her murdered family. Jaken, we learn in this volume, owes his life to Sesshomaru and has been trying all these decades to pay him back. He comes upon the brillant but ill-conceived plan of stealing Inuyasha's sword Tetsusaiga, single-handedly, in what turns out to be a very comedic episode. The last two episodes concern the abduction of Rin by Naraku, who plans to lure Sesshomaru into a trap in order to absorb his power. But in order to lead him into the snare he also reveals his location to Inuyasha.
Volume 27 is another excellent addition to one of my favorite series. Sesshomaru is becoming even more of a likable character as he takes on Naraku for Rin's sake. Yes, to save the life of a human, who Sesshomaru sees as less than worms. Even Jaken is starting to develop a soft spot for her in his slimy little demon heart! It was nice to see most of the main characters coming together and meeting. The only complaint I have at this point is that I wish they would hurry up and kill Naraku. I feel as though that storyline has been dragged on too long and is suffering from the "I'll get you next time Spider-Man" syndrome, in which the main villain always escapes at the end. But I'll forgive the show for that annoying cliche for now, because I sense that it will eventually be dealt with.
The usual skimpy extras are here, Sketches, Japanese promos, and trailers for the English versions of the first two Inuyasha movies."