Freaking Hilarious
Miriam Bookey | Santa Monica, CA USA | 05/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first saw this when it aired on Spike TV several years ago and kept it on my TIVO for TWO YEARS until I had to switch to DirecTV and sorrowfully lost it.
Why do I love this reality TV sendup so much? (1) William Shatner is a sweetheart. I thought he'd be snarky but instead he (like all of us viewers) falls hard for the people of Riverside, Iowa. (2) Yes, the show manipulates situations for shock value but there's no cruelty or exploitation of the locals who are taken in by the premise (3) William Shatner is the first to laugh at himself and the comedy of his life as Kirk... which gives us license to do so, too and (4) The show is FREAKING HILARIOUS. I live in a multi-story home. My husband works in an office three stories above the TV room. While I watched this show, he had to come down and ask me why in hell I was laughing so hard."
Shatner will SMITE you...with laughter
Hank Drake | Cleveland, OH United States | 07/21/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Riverside, Iowa is purported to be the town where in the future, James T. Kirk will be born. It seemed inevitable that William Shatner would show up there sooner or later. But only Shatner could have pulled off this stunt. Pretending to be making a sci-fi film using locals, Shatner and his eccentric entourage (improvisational actors playing his dim-witted nephew, buxom ditzy costar, and new age guru) descend on Riverside and commence the wackiest production imaginable.
Most of the townsfolk seem only too happy to work on the production and indulge Shatner's eccentricities, which include eating off other people's plates, plugging his own brand of berets, and covering for another star's kleptomania. A younger local suspects very early on that this is a Reality TV gimmick, and he promptly disappears from the production.
Shatner is game throughout, bonding with the people of Riverside and displaying none of the aloofness that some of his Trek costars have accused him of. He befriends an older man named Don at the local diner (even consenting to having his forehead "blessed" by Don's good luck charm which is made from a raccoon's...anatomy). When they go to visit Don's wife's grave, Shatner, a widower himself, seems genuinely moved. During the course of his visit, the entourage gets the local townsfolk to open up and discuss their hopes and dreams. And when the hoax is revealed, most of the locals are relieved that it's a Reality TV stunt, because the "movie" they're working on is obviously horrible. Shatner nearly breaks down in tears as he presents gifts to his new friends, especially the local cue-card holder who is trying to adopt her grandchild.
There are parts midway through the series that drag a bit. On the whole, however, it's worth sticking with Invasion Iowa for the payoff. The final episode shows the finished movie, which is so incredibly bad it's hilarious."
Very Funny!
Amanda Robinson | 09/18/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I found this to be extremely funny, especially being from Iowa. It is a little on the cheesy side, but for the most part, just good fun. It was even emotionally touching at times. It really exposes the kind hearts and hospitality of Iowans."