Some critics see the success of Jackass: The Movie as the last nail in the coffin of civilization, and they're probably right. This compilation of pain-inflicting stunts and embarrassing pranks has no artistic merit wh... more »atsoever--which doesn't keep it from being freakishly entertaining. Among other things, Johnny Knoxville and his posse get beaten up by a female kick-boxing champion; shoot bottle rockets out of their rectums; run amok in Japan wearing giant panda bear costumes; swim with whale sharks while holding pounds of brine shrimp in their swimsuits; and get done up in realistic old-age makeup so that they can race each other in motorized wheelchairs, among other goofs. It's a weird mixture of machismo and masochism, adolescent recklessness and frat boy homoeroticism, and someday someone will write a doctoral thesis about how Jackass relates to our safety-obsessed society. In the meantime, just enjoy. --Bret Fetzer« less
Had a few funny moments but could do without the super crude stuff. Luckily, there is a chapter to chapter for each Jacka** scene so you can hit the next scene button. Problem solved.
Movie Reviews
Words Cannot Even Describe...
Michael Crane | Orland Park, IL USA | 04/03/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you thought the TV show was outrageous, wait 'til you get a load of the movie...Yep, the outrageous MTV show now has its very own movie. "Jackass: The Movie" includes all of your favorite misfits as they perform some of the most outrageous, painful, and disgusting stunts ever to be caught on camera. Join Johnny Knoxville and his gang as they do everything possible to make sure that this is the most outrageous and disgusting thing your eyes have ever seen. I will not give away any of the stunts, for what's so great about the movie is being surprised.There's no storyline, no plot, and no set-up. It is what it is, and it makes no apologies. That's why I love it so much. I have never cringed so many times in my life! I was laughing non-stop and my eyes were flooded with tears when it was all said and done. Be warned, this is NOT for people who get easily offended or disgusted. This is not for people with weak stomachs. If you don't like anything that's distasteful, then skip this one right now. Don't even attempt it. If you hate the show, you will hate the movie. THAT is a fact. Don't even bother. All it will do is make you angry that you wasted your time with it. If you love the show, then you will most likely love the movie.The DVD is outstanding, being that it is loaded with so many special features for you to play around with. The best are the 27 additional minutes (separate feature from the movie) that were deemed to outrageous for the theatres. It's like watching a complete Jackass episode uncensored. Other features included are two commentary tracks, "making-of" feature, outtakes, trailer and promo spots, music videos and more! The commentary tracks are hilarious and are worth checking out. (Especially the cast commentary track. They're rarely talking about the movie and it is more like they're just hanging out and drinking!)"Jackass: The Movie" is painfully funny and disgustingly outrageous. I'm glad the DVD came out when it did, because this is the perfect time to watch something like this with all that's going on in the news right now. Really helps you get your mind off things. I laughed like crazy and cringed like there was no tomorrow. One thing is for sure; Knoxville and his crew are all going straight to Hell.... and so am I for laughing at it! You have to see it to believe it."
Great movie, dumb edition
T. N. Gwinn | Indianapolis, IN | 09/12/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This movie is one of my absolute favorites! If you liked the show, you'll love the movie. Although, this edition of the DVD kinda' sucks. All Paramount did was take the deleted scenes from the original release and add them into the actual for this cut and of course, throw a teaser trailer for Jackass Number Two on there. If you already own the first edition DVD like most of us, skip this one."
Better have a good trial lawyer
Gunner | Bethlehem,Georgia | 02/06/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Jackass: The Movie
Jackass: The Movie is made up of all the dumb, mindless pranks you'd expect of a college fraternity without any adult supervision.
The movie including the DVD is not without merit, however. If you have an annoying neighbor with teenage boys this might make an ideal Christmas present. You'd want to give it anonymously, of course.
Sure there are warnings throughout the movie DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME. You and I both know that a teenage boy is going to ignore those and try them anyway. That's where the anonymity comes in handy, Nobody can sue you.
Highly recommended for people with annoying teenage boys as neighbors and for any teenage boy you just don't like very much.
Gunner February, 2008
Funny stuff, but sometimes gross
Sam Bethune | Lincoln, Nebraska USA | 04/03/2003
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I rented Jackass-The Movie having only seen a few random stunts on MTV. I really was not into Johnny Knoxville's brand of humor, but my son insisted that it was one of the funniest movies he'd ever seen. He was right...sort of. Some of the stunts had me laughing like I hadn't laughed since high school, while others were looked so painful or repulsive that I cringed.I liked the rent a car demo derby sketch, the golf cart stunt was hilarious, and the part where the guys shoot bottle rockets out of their rectums was insanely funny. On the other hand, the scene where the guy eats a yellow snow cone made in part from his own urine was something I could have done without. As I might have expected, the reviews of this movie run the gamut from completely offended to totally loved. One reviewer who trashed the picture made a reference to Tom Green (who is not in this picture) which makes me believe he hadn't bothered to take the time to watch the movie before panning it. Personally I thought it was for the most part interesting and funny although it does feature some totally repulsive scenes that will offend most viewers in my age group (I'm 46). My advice is to watch the movie with an open mind...and a finger poised over the fast forward button on your DVD player just in case."
Not just funny, but damn funny
Sam Bethune | 03/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Perhaps this is a sign of the end of Western Civilization, but it is one funny sign! Of course, all the "serious" critics are wringing their hands at such low-culture slapstick, and saying it has no redeeming value. But then again, low-culture slapstick does have redeeming value. IT'S FUNNY! Frankly, when Charlie Chaplin, The Marx Brothers, and the Three Stooges were making their movies, they weren't trying to make high art, they were trying to make some money and make people laugh! And so are the folks at Jackass. Yes, it's dumb, but damn, it's funny. It always makes me laugh out loud, especially because I grew up with guys who would do stupid things like that to themselves. Get over yourselves, folks, just watch it for fun, not for a social message!"