One more thing!
Nick | Portland, OR USA | 05/03/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Having taped Jackie Chan Adventures on both Kids WB! and Cartoon Network, and having recently purchased all three JCA DVDs used (never pay retail!) I can WITHOUT A DOUBT say that these episodes are intact AND that they are edited. Wha?! You ask.Depends on the episode. Some are completely intact. Some are missing from a few seconds to a few minutes. This has more to do with each DVD's combining three episodes into a "movie". While some complain that the intros are missings, this is not completely accurate as some are and some are not. Some actually have trimmed scenes... Where these DVDs really deviate is by playing one opening credit, all three episodes in "movie format", then all three "Ask Jackie" spots and finally a combined ending credits. Strangely, though they use the opening theme music during the end credits as adopted in later seasons NOT the "Chan is the Man" song originally used.Why Columbia/Tri-Star (Sony distributes the show, but not the DVDs) chose to go with the "movie format" instead of just a straight-forward Episode 1, Episode 2, etc. and then stopped making the DVDs with Episode 9 is beyond me. I would like to see a Season One, Season Two, Season Three, and Season Four box set (especially since JCA has been picked up for a fifth season) with each episode being treated as an individual, hence my only giving these DVDs three stars each."
Ugh. What is with this format?
José Fernandez | Ashburn, VA | 08/28/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Man, I love this show. I haven't seen it in such a long time, but it's still up there in my five favorite cartoons of all time. Which is why I'm very upset with the manner in which these episodes were released on DVD. I mean, really. What IS this? Is it so much to ask for this show to be released by season as most shows are, with complete theme song and credits for each episode and no editing? Jeez. I realize it's neither the most brilliant nor the most popular television program ever conceived, but c'mon, DVD people, throw us JCA fans a bone here! Everyone else is doing it right. Surely a regular DVD release is not so much to ask?"
Love the show, hate the DVD
Joshua | Bloomington, IN | 04/26/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have loved this series since the beginning, and that is the problem. I bought the DVD thinking that it would be a favorite show on an excellent format. However, much to my chagrin, Sony decided to omit the first minute and a half of every episode. Seems pretty stupid to me."