International martial arts megastar Jackie Chan (RUSH HOUR, TWIN DRAGONS, RUMBLE IN THE BRONX) directs and performs all his own death-defying stunts in a hard-hitting and humorous action adventure that's been called one of... more » his very best! Chan rocks the high seas as Dragon Ma, a determined coast guard officer on patrol in late 19th-century Hong Kong. As he battles with a ruthless syndicate in a seemingly never-ending struggle for control of the dangerous waters, you'll be blown away as Jackie literally throws himself into some of the most amazing movie stuntwork ever captured on film! Also starring popular Sammo Hung (TV's MARTIAL LAW), this must-see, adrenaline-pumping adventure delivers all the intense thrills and witty fun that Jackie Chan fans demand!« less
"In my opinion the original Chinese language version of Project A is one of Jackie Chan's best films. A film full of great stunts and some of the best fight scenes of any Jackie Chan movie. This version however is extremely poor. I was very excited when I saw this release in the video store on DVD. I have a subtilted video tape and I have been waiting for it's release on DVD. However I became leary when I recalled the recent release of Jet Li's Fist of Legend and other recent English dubbed Hong Kong action movies like Iron Monkey, Police Story 1 and 2 and Black Mask. It seems to me that the people involved in these re-releases have no respect for these great movies. It many cases, especially Jackie Chan's movies, scenes are edited out, the original score is replaced by inferior music, profanity is added and the English duubed voices are just horrible and at times downright goofy. The English language versions are so inferior to ther originals that it is not even funny. Often times these films come off as comedies because of the horrible dubbing. Project A is no exception. What was once a serious action movie, with some comedic touches, is now a goofy, wateredowned movie. The voices can not be taken seriuosly. The new score is just ok, the original was so much better. The new score actually slows down the action sequences and eliminates most of the tension that was in the original. I was extremely disappointed with this DVD. I might recommend it to anyone who has not seen the original version and is curious about early Jackie Chan. However I will stick with my subtitled video tape."
Great Movie - The DVD is a Disaster!!
T. Tennard | 05/13/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"First of all, I love the original Project A, which I have seen in full on our local Multinational TV Channel (with great subtitling I might add - SBS do a great job). The two stars are for the DVD. If you want the real Project A, then don't get this DVD. I thought Jackie dubbed it, the main reason I bought it - but after seeing Legend of Drunken Master (which he did dub) I have my doubts. The voice sounds very fake. All the rest of the actors are obvious dubs. Some scenes have been cut - especially the scene in the Mah Jhong parlour introducing Sammo Hung. They cut the shower scene and other bits when the marine police are in training, as well as other bits and pieces. Picture quality is superb - the only bonus. The music is awful, doesn't keep pace with the action at all and is totally different to the original. All in all, a disappointment, especially when I have to order from overseas, which costs a fair bit. This DVD is in my JC collection, but I much prefer my video version."
Great Movie, subtitles option missing
Xam | nyc | 04/14/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"First off this movie is great, it is truly one of Jackie Chan's classics. The stunts and action scenes are fantastic, and the plot moves along nicely. The DVD is good for the most part, the picture and sound are both good. But one negative side is the lack of subtitle and language options. With a movie like this it would be nice to be able to turn off the english dubbing and instead have the original chinese soundtrack with english subtitles. But this option is not presented, which really annoys me when you consider the fact that it could have been easily put on the DVD. The english dubbing isn't bad (Jackie Chan does his own voice, and i believe Samo Hung does too). But sometimes the orginal chinese soundtrack can make the movie seem more legitimate and less cheesy, and i like to have the option. But all in all this really is own of Jackie's finest movies. Samo Hung is very good as well. I took off one star just for the lack of subtitle options, but that isn't the end of the world. I still enjoy this DVD greatly."
What happened...
Xam | 07/09/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"... to the outtakes when they roll the credits? This DVD is crap!! I got this for $5 at Target and, man, what a mistake... The English dub is stupid, too. Don't buy this... Get the HK versions like the other guys said..."
Review of New Media/CineVu release
David J. Turner | 03/07/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"This is a review of the New Media/Cinevu release, not the dubbed Dimension one.
Do not buy this movie - this product should be pulled immediately as it seems to be an incomplete bootleg not even containing the whole movie. That should be sufficient warning there, but if you must know why, read on.
I was hesitant at first to buy this DVD, as all other reviews - both good and bad - seem to be of the Deimnsion version. I'm not sure why these two seperate products are linked to the same page for comments, but they are.
In short, this DVD is horrible. The only good thing is that it is in the original language - unfortunately, the subtitles - both Chinese and English - are hard coded into the screen, so you have to deal with both subtitles being up there. Secondly, the transfer is atrocious - so bad, in fact, that the hardcoded subtitles are so blurred its virtually impossible to read them (that's not even including the very small font used). The bad transfer also applies to the picture in general, giving it a low quality that makes the worst of TV show DVDs look like painted masterpieces.
There are no bonuses, sound options, or in fact any menus. The set up is bare minimum and the presentation so horrid that I feel as if I paid 15$ for a bootleg from Amazon, and I would not be surprised if in fact this IS a bootleg, as I can find no information on this New Media company or even this release of the DVD outside of Amazon.
But somehow, for some reason, I bore through this to continue on with the movie. Taking great effort I could make out the subtitles and grimey picture enough just to realize that the movie ends at 47 minutes - in an hour and a half movie. So not only is the transfer horrible, but it is incomplete, literally cutting off in the middle of the movie. This isn't a criticism about the editing, mind you, but the DVD actually just suddenly ends as if they didn't bother to burn the entire movie onto the DVD.
I will be emailing Amazon about this shortly, but I must urge all people to avoid this DVD, the reasons being clear - you aren't even getting the movie you paid for, its literally not all the way on the disc."