Legendary Friday The 13th killer Jason Voorhees returns for the tenth time, this time stalking victims aboard a space ship in the year 2455. DON'T MISS OUT ON THE HALLOWEEN EVENT OF 2002! Trick or treat this year with Jaso... more »n! Consumers will definitely demand this title for late-night scares or holiday-themed parties. JASON/FRIDAY THE 13TH SERIES IS A STRONG $228 MILLION COMBINED BOX-OFFICE FRANCHISE!* GORE SCORES! Horror Genre still scares up frightfully high business: Jeepers Creepers 324% Hannibal 274% Final Destination 273% Hollow Man 248% The Cell 247% LOW VHS FLAT PRICING @ $35.005. FIRST JASON/FRIDAY THE 13TH DVD WITH SIGNIFICANT ADDED VALUE! Fans of the series will buy the DVD for this alone. Paramount has only released 1-6 with a trailer as the only extra. Jason X will have two documentaries, a jump-to-a-death feature and other "tricks and treats" for fans to crave. FROM EXECUTIVE PRODUCER SEAN S.CUNNINGHAM, THE CREATOR OF THE CLASSIC ORIGINAL FRIDAY THE 13TH. *Internet Movie Database 4/12/02**Video Store Magazine 4/8/02« less
How do you continue a slasher movie series when your formula has been run completely into the ground by an endless parade of sequels?
A. Make yet another film that's exactly like all of the preceding ones
B. Go completely frickin' insane.
Obviously the makers of "Jason X" chose option "B." That's the only possible explanation for this tenth installment in the "Friday the 13th" series which puts the slasher and sci-fi genres in a blender and hits "puree." Serial killer Jason Voorhees is cryogenically frozen in the 21st century and then thawed out four centuries later aboard a space research shuttle. Fortunately, the teenagers of the future are just as stupid and horny as the ones back in the day so Jason gets back to his old habits quickly. The usual slashing, stabbing, crushing, and mutilating ensues accompanied by lotsa cheap special FX.
Fans of the "F13" series either love or hate this movie. You can put me in the "love" category, mostly because it's so hilariously bizarre. It works best if you can look at it as a parody of the "Friday" movies rather than another legitimate entry in the series. It's action packed, gory, violent, stupid, and totally over the top, but in spite of its numerous flaws it's also entertaining as hell.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Rob M. from STATEN ISLAND, NY Reviewed on 9/15/2009...
One of the more fun entries in the Friday series, this one takes place in the far future. It has a pretty decent cast, most of whom can actually act. Andromeda fans be aware: Two of the female leads are both from that show! They didn't skimp on the gore and made it entertaining at the same time. Far better than Jason vs Freddy, this entry is actually worth seeing more than once, unlike say parts 5-8 (including the bogus Jason Takes Manhattan which has like four minutes of actual NY footage!). While likely not for the squeamish fans of horror and Jason should enjoy this.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Kimberly B. (TheBookHunter) from SALEM, OH Reviewed on 3/5/2009...
Own it! I like it! pretty cool killing scenes
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Jason Voorhees is back, fans rejoice...for the most part.
matts1979@webtv.net | Leominster, MA | 01/21/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's been too long since a "Friday the 13th" film stalked the theatres, with this in mind, it gives me great pleasure to announce to all the hardcore Jason fans out there that "Jason X" is worth the wait. While this isn't the best entry in the long running classic series, this film serves up enough gore and violence to entertain horror fans for 95 minutes. Unfortunately, there's some bits sprinkled throughout this movie (and a few terrible characters too) featuring some truly stupid humor that does detract from the proceedings, but overall, there's enough to like about "Jason X" that should please all Friday fans out there, as well as people just looking for a fun, popcorn crunching way to enjoy an evening at the movies.The film beings roughly around 2010 at the Crystal Lake Research Facility where Jason (Kane Hodder, returning to the role for the fourth time and giving what's probably his best turn as the killer) Voorhees has been caught and awaits cryo freeze under the supervision of Rowan (Lexa Doig). During one of the film's best sequences (with an amusing cemeo from director David Cronenberg), Jason is freed and several bloody deaths later, he's stalking sole survivor Rowan through the facility where she outsmarts the hulking madman and traps him in a cryo freeze chamber, only to be accidentally trapped herself.It's here that the film jumps 400 years into the future, a group
of science students on a research field trip back to what is now referred to as "old earth" (an uninhabital place) discover both our hero and villian still frozen and well preserved. They are brought back onboard the ship Grendel where Rowan is thawed out, but it only takes minutes before Jason too is thawed and before long, he's off, stalking the Grendel; racking up what is sure to be the highest body count of the entire series. As the group of people on board the ship quickly dwindle beneath Jason's blade, the remaining students and single military soldier attempt to escape the ship, Jason's terror refuses to yield, and the masked maniac has one more surprise in store for the heros..."Jason X" is far from the best "Friday the 13th" film, but it moves along at a fast enough pace and has enough moments (and some very attractive females) to keep viewers interested. Among the positive moments included are some very innovative kills and some particularly good special effects, not to mention a new although at times, refreshingly familiar, score from Friday alumni, Harry Manfredini. There are some beautiful women in the cast (especially Lexa Doig in the lead, whose also a very good actress) and a likable soldier, the leader of the squad played by Peter Mensah. One scene that will stand out for fans, is the virtual reality scene taking Jason back to Camp Crystal Lake during the summer of 1980. Although the scene never lives up to its full potential with the silly actresses spouting stupid, unfunny dialogue (an attempt to poke fun at the formula these films went by in the 1980s-but failing miserably), the scene is scored with the original music from 1980's "Friday the 13th" and is accompanied by a murder scene which is really quite funny. While it could've/should've been better, this scene is still one of the best, most nostalgic of the film.Where "Jason X" flounders is the humor. Aside from one really funny line describing previous attempts of kill Jason over 400 years ago, this film drops the ball in the comic reflief department. Overall however, "Jason X" works. It was fun and refreshing to see the big guy back on the screen after so many years and despite the above mentioned faults, it's a good time. This is the tenth entry in the "Friday the 13th" series, while it's not the best (that honor belongs to Fridays 1,2,4 and 6) film in the series, it's at least a good time, with an ending which is VERY entertaining, and one I wouldn't dream of giving away. When this film hits theatres (whenever that may be), it will surely provide moviegoers with a good solid 90 minutes of slasher movie fun, good and gory, like the ones they used to make!"
I`ve seen Jason X....and it rocks!!!
Otipax | 08/08/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Just saw Jason X in the unrated version in a world premiere in Cologne, Germany...and it`s awesome. This is the best part of the Friday the 13th series, believe me! The best thing is, how Jason looks this time, his costume( after he mutated) is very cool. The gore factor is very high, Jason kills as many people as never before( hopefully you`ll see the uncut version of this movie!!!). The film is indeed impressive in its use of special effects. In one scene, you even get to see a virtual reality, reproducing the old Camp Chrystal Lake. So, wait for Jason X...you won`t regret it!!!"
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I've recently just seen a copy of Jason X. Before seeing the movie, I was absolutely pumped. I mean we haven't seen a new "Friday" movie in nearly 10 years so this was really exciting for me. So how was it?
Well I am happy to say that while it does have its flaws, Jason X doesn't disappoint.
The opening credits start off very creatively(for a Jason movie that is) where we get to see inside Jason's head and get to see his brain and all. Pretty neat stuff, cause I never would of expected it in this movie. After the opening credits we start off at some research place where we get our first glimpse of ole jason where he is all chained up on a harness.(how he got there is beyond me) Scientists are studying him to try to find out what he is all about. From there Jason gets loose and the first killings begin. After a few kills, Jason and a hot girl are cryogenically frozen together only to be unfrozen 100s of years later and then the real carnage begins!!
Well, I can tell you that for a relatively low budget movie this baby looks pretty good. The set designs and space ship all look top notch. You'll be surprised you aren't watching James Camerons Aliens or something-they're that good.
As for the acting, well this is a Friday the 13th movie. So you cant expect anything top notch. Its not awful, (actually its probably the best in a while) but its nothing special. The teens are basically just as dumb as ever and you'll know who's gonna be killed. All they think about is sex,sex, and more sex. There are some very hot chicks in this movie, most notably, the lead female. Kane Hodder on the other hand is in fine form here. He does Jason better than anyone, and he just has this role down perfect. His look is a little different than in the previous movies but he's still the same badmother he's always been.Though you gottta wonder why his mask keeps changing from movie to movie. There is also an android character here that is surprisingly funny and enjoyable to watch(especially when we see her kicking Jasons ass) and was greatly appreciated here. As for the script,well it contains some pretty bad dialogue at times(as mentioned earlier, this is a Friday movie) but doesn't get out of hand too much. My favorite line has to be "Its gonna take more than that to bring this old dog down......yeah, that outta do it." This comes from the tough sergeant dude and is pretty funny.
Now, you're probably wondering about the gore. Is there alot? Or does it disappoint? Well i'd say its easily one of the more gruesome entries in a while. We get some creative killings here, my favorite being when Jason forces a girls head into some kind of frozen liquid where her head freezes completely and then Jason smashes her head against a counter top. Cool stuff. There's also plenty of gun shots at Jason. In the end, we get a pretty high body count here, probably one of the highest(if not highest) in the series. You won't be disappointed here.
And then there's the UBER Jason. I was mixed on this.On one hand its something new for the series, which is good because its basically been the same old same old for all the movies. On the other hand it seems kinda stupid seeing Jason all "high tech" looking. He basically looks like some kind of super robot. Ever see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles part 2? Remember Super Shredder? Uber Jason kinda reminded me of him alot. And that's not a good thing. Jason Voorhees should look like Jason Voorhees. Nuff said.
But in the end, I came out of the movie extremely satisfied. Just about all you could want in a Friday movie is here. I got all the Jason, blood and gore, and hot chicks I could ask for. Its Jason X baby, and you wont be disappointed.
An awaited culmination of horror
Charles D Frost Jr. | Murfreesboro, Tennessee United States | 11/13/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Quite simply, this is the most intelligent "slasher flick" since...well...probably ever. This tenth installment of the Friday the Thirteenth series culminates the best parts of the series and pokes fun at itself for the worst. The plot is as deep as necessary, but not insultingly shallow as horror movies typically are. The teens being stalked are not as mindless as the genre's predecessors, and the stuntman-turned-actor Kane Hodder shows where his cult following comes from as Jason.
For those looking for new, creative death scenes, Jason X certainly delivers, with not one scene change leaving you wondering how Jason killed the last victim.
The writing doesn't worry with such matters as "How is Jason back from Hell?" or other trivial thoughts...he's just here, and he's not very happy about it.
From the horror fans, to the "I only watch at Halloween" buyers, Jason X is certainly deserving of ownership, because let's be honest, we all take pleasure in horror movies at one time or another, and this movie is just fun. If it was worth looking up a review on, you have enough interest for this movie to all out entertain you; not to mention there are a healthy amount of bonus features actually worth watching, including a history of the character Jason, and a making of Jason X."
Great addition to the series!
Vlad Cuellar | Falls CHurch, Virginia United States | 05/01/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a big fan of the Friday the 13th series in fact I have all 9 movies on tape and some on DVD. BUt even I wasn't expecting much from Jason X, but I was pleasantly surprised! THis is a VERY good action/horror movie. It starts in 2010 in Crystal Lake where Jason is being held captive and is about to be transported by the Army. Jason escapes but is frozen with a girl in a chamber. THey both are discovered more than 400 years later, by a spaceship of earthlings. Earth 1 is uninhabitable and they are to be transported to Earth 2. THis is great imagination and some very fresh story-telling. As expected Jason thaws out and runs amuck. THe kills here are spectacular! Jason kills one girl by freezing her head and then shattering it!! The directors and producers of this film did a magnificent job in giving new life to this over 20 year old franchise. THey didn't just make another sequel, they wove a great story with some great action and some good old-fashioned stalker horror thrown in. ANd this is after all a Jason film so at the end as a bonus they tie in the Crystal Lake origins to the film. THe ending is really over the top and I won't give it away because its THAT good! GO see this film in the theater if you get a chance, its a great movie for all us old-time Jason fans to get into, lets hope they make more Jason films!"