"Plane" sailing for kids
Amanda Richards | Georgetown, Guyana | 01/15/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD contains five adventures of Jay Jay the Jet Plane and his CGI friends Tracy (another small jet), Snuffy (a propeller monoplane), Herky (the helicopter), Big Jake (a cargo carrier), Savannah (a supersonic airliner), Oscar (an old bi-plane), Tuffy (a towtruck) and Revvin' Evan (a fire engine). Real actors play the roles of Brenda Blue, the woman in charge of the airport, Miss Lee, the librarian who is hearing impaired, and a few other supporting roles.
In "Trip to Skylandia", Jay Jay gets caught up in a mini-tornado and discovers a castle in the clouds. The message here is that you can believe in things you can't see, if you feel it in your heart.
"Jay Jay's Butterfly Adventure" is about Jay Jay and his friend Breezy the Monarch butterfly. Jay Jay learns that Nature really does take care of her own.
"Jay Jay and the Magic Books" introduces American sign language, as Tracy assists Miss Lee in convincing Jay Jay that books can be great adventure.
"Tuffy's Trip to Pangabula" tells of Tuffy the tow truck's trip to Pangabula Island, and the difficulties she encounters on the way. The moral is "Where there's a will, there's a way"
"Tuffy's Adventures in Pangabula" continues where the previous story left off, with Tuffy saving a wonderful tree from danger.
While one viewing is more than enough for the average adult, kids seem to love this one for some reason, and my son has watched it five times for today alone - so far. An adult rating would probably be around three stars, but for the intended audience - a clear five.
Amanda Richards, January 15, 2006"