Caveat Emptor-Package in error
T. E. Hepler | 08/28/2007
(1 out of 5 stars)
"One simple note to prevent anyone else from making the same mistake I did-Starman is NOT in widescreen, but is fullscreen only."
Good for your John Carpenter collection.
Puzzle box | Kuwait | 10/26/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"John Carpenter is one of the best and greatest filmakers of all time in my opinion as most of his films are highly influential, most of his films like Halloween, assault on precint 13 and escape from N.Y. have been imatated numerous times in other films but could not have been as great as these films. Even though he mainly does horror and b-movies he just makes them in his own exciting style which is alot better then an untalented and lazy hack who would rather do a remake these days. Anyway this boxset is a great and an affordable way to collect his films some that you would like and some that you wouldn't but then again its cheap and you can't complain, here is a summary of all three films:
Christine (1983), Christine is based on the best selling novel by Stephen King about a possesed car that somehow ends up changing the life of its owner a nerdy character who suddenly has a transformation into a cool leather jacket wearing highschool student, but bad things happen once the car starts killing people. I thought that the film was just average as it seems more like a coming of age drama than a horror film as the main character has difficulties with his parents and friends who are concerned about his obbsesion with this car, otherwise the film was slow and had a few dull scenes but also had some terrific music and some good setup and death scenes this film gets 3 and a 1/2 stars.
Starman (1984) ,Starman staring Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen is a very nice and touching Sci fi drama that is a change from his violent and gory sci fi horror film The thing as it was rated PG. As a result of the 1970s voyager 2 space probe, an alien ship is sent to study earth. The alien assumes the form of a woman's dead husband and together they go on a road trip and battle against the military and the authorities to send the alien back to his own world. Jeff Bridges performance in this film was fantastic and has earned him an oscar nomination, has an almost child like behaviour as he goes through all the human emotions like crying, laughing ect. 5 stars.
Vampires (1998), Vampires is one of John Carpenters more recent films and is a good one at that, this film is a sort of take from John Carpenter's perspective of the vampire legend or myth as James Wood's character says these aren't your euro trash pipe smoking fa**, the vampires are more evil and demonic and wouldn't mind ripping a guy in half. You should deffinently check this great vampire horror film if only for one reason alone and that would be James Woods tough guy and foul mouthed persona which I thought was cool. The vatican enlists a team of vampire hunters to destroy a group of vampires led by Valek who is basicly the ultimate powerful and indestructable vampire before they find the crucifix that enables them to walk out in the daylight. Yes the storyline might be cheesy but the film was a great gory vampire film with some great action scenes that only Carpenter could make, 4 stars and make sure that you don't see the sequal that has Bon Jovi lol that film sucks."