Currently Available DVDs (4) | Currently Unavailable DVDs (24)2009 - Copycat (Keepcase) 2006 - Lies and Deception Box Set (Mr. and Mrs. Smith / True Lies / Entrapment / Black Widow) 2005 - Crime 3-Pack (Entrapment / Romancing the Stone / True Lies) 2004 - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen / Entrapment (LXG) 2003 - Man Who Knew Too Little/Meatballs 2003 - The Singing Detective 2003 - Tune in Tomorrow 1999 - Sommersby 1998 - Copycat (Snap Case) 1998 - The Man Who Knew Too Little The Tudors - The Complete Second Season (Uncut Edition) Don't Say a Word / Entrapment / High Crimes The Borgias - Unholy Collection - The Complete Series Core The (2003)