Elizabeth Hurley topless is all this movie has going for it.
Kevin H. Dudley | Roanoke, VA (USA) | 07/28/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The only reason why I think this "movie" continues to actually exist is the fact that the luscious & amazingly gorgeous Elizabeth Hurley does topless nudity in the film.
Other than that asset, this film is absolutely abysmal.
Atrocious acting, hackneyed script, ham fisted direction and terrible lighting.
It's not even good in a so-bad-it's-good type of way.
Avoid at all costs and just download the Elizabeth Hurley nudity off of the internet."
The Bar Song
Vic Beretton | 03/23/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Enough has been said about this movie already, I think, considering its overall flimsiness. It really is "ironic" fun, as someone mentioned, and only for those who are tolerant enough to handle a bit of fluff and not have a coronary about it. I thought it was pretty amusing. It helps if you're into sailing and sunny ports. Be that as it may, I am surprised that no one has commented on the "theme" song. It features quite prominently in the beginning, introducing us to the two English lasses whiling away their evenings singing badly in a sleazy Gibraltar sailor dive; and towards the end of the film, it introduces the final twist... with a vengeance. As it turned out to my delight, "You're leaving me" -- the title of aforementioned ditty -- was an almost direct translation of a song called "Porque te vas" by Jose Luis Perales, one of my favorite Spanish singer-songwriters. Great song, really! Silly performance, though. I'm almost a bit curious what JLP got out of it..."
Yeah, you might enjoy it
J. Houzet | Chicago, IL | 12/28/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Kill Cruise is a Dead Calm type thriller, the drama and suspense happening on board a yacht sailing from Gibraltar to Barbados. Jurgen Prochnow plays a washed out sailor. His best friend died at sea under suspicious circumstances and his wife left him soon after. He spends his days in the bars on Gibraltar, muttering his intention to sail away but never doing so. Elizabeth Hurley and Patsy Kensit play two English trollops idling their days away on the island till they decide to go to Barbados. Prochnow is reluctant to be recruited for this trip till provoked to prove he can still sail.
The strength of this movie lies in the very realistic irritations played out among three people in close quarters who don't quite trust each other. Patsy Kensit is the painfully self-centered one, vying for the skipper's attention and becoming increasingly jealous and vindictive when he favors Hurley's character. Hurley is submissive and vacuous. There seems to be some lesbian tension between the two girls that further complicates matters. Kensit's snipes at the skipper and paranoid discussions with Hurley escalate into life-threatening behavior. Just when we think things have settled down again there is an inexplicable horrific act.
Prochnow and Kensit are the better actors here, and the young Liz Hurley seems to be around as window dressing. I was still surprised that she was the one who went naked, however, in several love scenes with Prochnow. Both of the girls are very pretty, even if their characters are grating. The main problem of this movie is the "twist" at the end for which there was no motive.
There seem to be a hundred different editions of this movie out there, all released by different distributors. Either the studio sold the rights again and again to make a quick buck, or there's some bootlegging going on."