The finest jackie chan movie
J.B. ( | 05/12/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Start your collection here. Youll love the kung fu, the costumes, and the storyline is classic. Jackie Chans skills will be tested by his most notorious enemies. Great character development full of surprizes!! Who is the fifth dragon? Who is the leader of the bloody rain clan? Kung fu magic. Devilmonk"
Not as shabby as the critics said it was . . .
J.B. ( | the Bujinkan | 01/25/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This low-budget 1977 Kung Fu flick has heartbroken Chan obsessing over his girlfriend Chin-Chin, who has been "stolen" by one of his good friends (who just turns out to be THE bad guy). The plot is excessively complicated and not easily understood, but, in a way, the film is touching. It's part love story, part Kung Fu slapstick. The fight scenes are reasonable, with young Chan displaying great gymnastics feats; but the stunts don't nearly rank up with the best of Jackie. I was slightly moved by Jackie's performance, but, to be perfectly honest, it was mediocre at best. The low budget is quite evident, with cheap props (like a rubber hand), and "dress for less" costumes. But, hey, if you're a Chan-atic like myself, buy it. Someday, it might be a collector's item."
To Kill With INtrigue (1977)
Chris Zarb | Sliema, Malta | 11/12/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Chu Feng is on a mission to kill Jackie's family. She butchers everyone exept for Jackie, she falls in love with him and later saves his life by putting Jackie through a torturous trainning regimen so that Jackie can defend himself against some two-faced "friends". This film is chillingly violent!!!"