They're Rock & Roll Legends but this DVD aint Legendary:p
Dean | Australia | 12/23/2001
(1 out of 5 stars)
"All I hear about this DVD is great reviews, about the rare footage etc. I love rare footage as much as the next KISS fan especially of all the eras (Make-up & No Makeup). And this DVD is pretty rare in Australia, so I went crazy when I found it in this small little music store! The price was a lot more than your normal DVD (Multi-Region), so I gave it some thought before buying it, read the back of the pack a couple of times, remembering what other people thought of it. I said Yeah! I've got all the other KISS DVD's that are available in Australia & this one is from the 90 - 93 era this one should be great! Eric Carr was even on the cover for once!, so I bought it and to my horror, found out it was only 45 minutes long!!!! The back of the package didn't even have the nerve to say how long this feature was! So you'd think they're gonna jam a hell of a lot of rare concert footage that's never been seen before with the backstage interviews right? WRONG! Sure you've got some great footage here, but the footage has no audio, and only lasts for about 2 seconds each time! And there isn't much of that either! It's interesting to listen to what Paul and Gene (and later on Eric Singer and Bruce) have to say backstage but we've heard it all before and for this price and feature length... Oh man, don't even bother with it. It gets pretty depressing just watching Paul and Gene seated (hardly moving at all) and just talking chit-chat for so long. Oh yeah, even though Eric Carr is on the cover of this title, they haven't included any Eric Carr 1990 interviews which adds to the disappointment."
VERY Disappointing...
Chuck Potocki | Highland, Indiana | 05/03/2002
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I found this very disappointing; I borrowed this from a friend, and good thing, too, because if I had known prior what the content would consist of, I would not have purchased it. Nearly the entire 45 minutes is devoted to a very inane "interview" with Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons (Gene looks incredibly bored, he barely moved and said nothing for the first 10 minutes). The dialogue is pretty much standard, by-the-book Paul and Gene shtick: saying over and over again how they'll do anything for their fans, how so many other bands have been influenced by them, being in complete denial that the then-current incarnation of the band had anything to do with (or owed anything to) the original lineup, blah blah, on and on. The only bright spot is when Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick are given a combined 3 minutes to speak (how generous of Paul and Gene to do that), and I, like a majority of the people who reviewed this DVD am greatly disappointed that Eric Carr was barely given any mention; especially considering that Carr had passed away not long before this "interview" was done; out of sight, out of mind! How sad...Overall, this is poorly produced and just another way for Paul and Gene to glorify themselves for the umpteenth time. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone; don't waste your time or money."
legendario_oso_yogui | Mexico City, DF MEX | 07/09/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is just a 60 minutes collection of 1990-1991 interviews of the band during the "Hot In The Shade" and "Revenge" periods. The first track contains three sections: (1:47) 1.- Opening (a light documentary)// 2.- The Mystique (interviews about "Hot In The Shade Tour")// 3.- A New Face (same) (35:40) 4.- The Anties (same)// (19:35) 5.- Favorite Albums (1991. Turn Up The Volume. Revenge INT).As an extra you'll find a low-budget-style photo gallery. Some of the photos here are taken from posters and picture magazines. Nice for media publishers to laugh but for kiss fans it is full of passion from who made it (4:04).
Total time(1:01:06) plus photo gallery.TECH. DATA:-rarities interpolated during interviews-/-photo gallery with false initial start too-/-instrumental backgrund music is not from the band-/-1991 interview strts at the end of track #4-/- chronological disorder at the end of tracks #4 and #5-"