For those who got hooked on Kristin McGee's power yoga sessions on MTV, this DVD represents the next level. Power Yoga will revive the soul, even as it sculpts the physique past whatever was thought possible. Power Yoga is... more » presented in a realistic environment with an original and motivating soundtrack.« less
"I do not have any of the MTV releases, but there was such great buzz about the quality of McGee's instruction that I purchased this DVD without much of a preview ahead of time- a rarity for me. She certainly lives up to her reputation- in 47 minutes she delivers a sweaty, balancing, stretchy and finally relaxing sequence of postures.
The longest part is the standing sequence at the beginning. She has a nice leg stretch where you hook your big toe and "pointer" toe around your opposite ankle when you're in a one-legged dog (which she uses a few of). Hard to describe, but it feels great on the feet and legs. She does her share of Sun Salutations, but they start off more slowly than usual. She also has some great balancing and twising postures in addition to the usual Warriors. Some of the balancing postures are very challenging- Reverse Half Moon and Crow, for example- but she inspires you to give you her best shot.
The next segment focuses on some classic "stretchy" postures, including a nice Pigeon flow. On preview, some of what she's doing may look a little out of reach, but by the time you get to the floor, you've been so thoroughly warmed up that you'll probably surprise yourself with what you're able to do.
McGee designed a great sequence. In addition, she is pleasant, non-judgmental, humorous and matter-of-fact. She's here to give you a good workout and maybe find a little bit of serenity, but not necessarily help you to achieve nirvana. Overall, a fantastic practice."
It'll have you sweating from the start!
Danton McDiffett | Kansas USA | 03/19/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"While I enjoy power yoga very much and I enjoy this DVD as one of several such in my collection, I would prefer a little more warm-up before going into the more strenuous poses. I like doing yoga first thing in the morning, and I have to take some time waking up my body before doing this DVD, as opposed to Rodney Yee's power yoga DVD, which begins more slowly. Still, except for that one complaint, I highly recommend this workout. McGee's voice is calm, never overwhelming, and her cues are right on time, well enough that after a couple of sessions, I can essentially do the whole thing without having to look up at the TV screen. It's a challenging program, but a good one, too."
Simply the best!
Annie | Australia | 02/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love Kristin McGee's style of yoga and this is Kristin at her very best.
I have only had this DVD for a couple of months but it is already my most used DVD. I own many yoga DVDs yet I keep coming back to this one. Why? Because it gives me a great workout, a good stretch and also makes me feel very relaxed afterwards. Because it's fun and I never check the time (like I do with many other DVDs). Because Kristin's instruction and form are superb. Because it's challenging but doable. Because the class starts as soon as you put the DVD in. Because the music's gorgeous. Because I can see and feel the results to all parts of my body, especially my arms and legs. Because I am now fit.
Thank you Kristin for the perfect power yoga workout."
Kristin Does it again!! A steal for the price!!
Yoga Nut | New York, NY | 11/08/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Her MTV Yoga and Power Yoga videos were great!!! This is better (and cheaper)!!!! The video takes you through a great variety of positions. Her instruction is clear and concise. She encourages you throughout, it literally feels like she is really in the room with you talking you through the poses. She has a beautiful voice and a nurturing presence, this makes this challenging workout so much more fun."
Great strengthening session for advanced beginners/intermedi
Lena, LMT | Nassau, NY | 12/29/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I tried MTV yoga & power yoga w/Kristin McGree & didn't like it. I saw she did the poses beautifully & respected yoga, but the way MTV did it was hurried/stylish w/o substance. I gave this a shot after I saw a preview & am glad I did.
She more relaxed here, she gives great cues & detailed as well for anyone who's already mastered the basics of yoga & know the poses by name. She gives the English names only, tells you when to inhale & exhale during sun salutations & holds the poses a decent amount of time, the only ones super fast were the sun salutations themselves. She gives reminder cues about posture, and uses words like "raise your heart up" so there is some spiritual to offset most of her basic body movement only cues w/o overing it for those who don't like the spiritual aspect (yoga IS spiritual though, but not religious.) The Country music annoyed me, especially the guitar twanging, but Kristin herself made up for it. This was hard, a little too repetitive with the sun salutations & warrior 1, (love chair), but once I cleared the first standing poses, it got easier & felt much more flexible & enjoyed the rest.
Poses performed in each section:
Intro - 1 min
Warm-up - 1 min - mountain & basic stretch & standing fwd bend for a while
Sun Salutations - 16 min - with held lunge, warrior 1 many times, 3 legged downward dog/dog split, spreading toes on opposite heal in down dog, dog split back/froth to knee to nose, adds chair later many times, she goes faster here, but holds chair & warrior 1 a decent amount of time. She does down dog a good amount of time as well, but you might need it.
Standing Poses - 12 min - has more sun salutation here & there: warrior 1, arms behind back & then over head bent head to floor with legs in warrior 2, pyramid, warrior 3, SS, warrior 2, revolved warrior, triangle, side angle, standing wide legged fwd bend
More Standing Poses - 9 min - tree, prayer twist (side angle for more challenge & bound side angle for advanced), half moon, revolved half moon, standing split, standing fwd bend w/thumbs gripping toes & also done w/palms under, standing on toes balance to squat to crow
Sitting/Lying Poses - 7 min - sitting fwd bend, single leg fwd bend & side twist & reg bend, full pigeon, seated spinal twist
Relaxation - 2 min w/her guiding your body to release & relax
Preview on youtube under "Kristin McGee Power Yoga""