Not really "Hats Off"
blue-59 | Blount Springs, Alabama, United States | 04/06/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"No one loves Laurel & Hardy more than I. However, in deference to Stan and Ollie's art, all copies of "Utopia" should be burned. "Flying Deuces," a remake of the superior "Beau Hunks," is mildly entertaining, but many of its gags are labored and contrived. Despite its weaknesses, however, the movie contains a supremely endearing scene, as Stan encounters the reincarnated Ollie in the form in which he wished to return--a horse.
If you really love Laurel and Hardy, buy the very affordable 21-disc set of practically everything good they ever did (including foreign-language and colorized versions) and then shell out for a multi-region, PAL-converting DVD player. You will not be sorry!
Note: Stan and Ollie did make a movie entitled "Hats Off," which I actually saw at least part of on TV 50 years ago. However, that film has apparently been lost and is NOT contained on this DVD."
What a value...documentary and feature films
SupaSta | California, United States | 06/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love Laurel and Hardy and thought this would be a great is! I was wonderfully surprised to see two films on the flip side. You sure can't beat that at that price!"