"An explosive beginning once again kicks off the action for our favorite team of Los Angeles Detectives, Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh, in Richard Donner's "Lethal Weapon 4," starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. In this fourth installment of the popular action/drama series, the pair are confronted with a murderous Chinese Triad with links to Hong Kong, that deals in counterfeiting and the smuggling of illegals into the country, where their new lives become nothing more than virtual slavery. It's a subject that touches a nerve with Murtaugh (Glover), which brings about an irrational decision when he thinks he can help. But not to worry; Riggs (Gibson) is there to back him up, and together they take on one of their most formidable opponents yet, Wah Sing Ku (Jet Li), head of the Triad, who happens to be in the process of discharging a personal agenda from which he will not be deterred. And making matters all the more complicated, Riggs and Murtaugh each have personal issues of their own to deal with: Murtaugh with his daughter, Rianne (Traci Wolfe), and Riggs with Lorna Cole (Rene Russo), the first woman with whom he's had a long standing relationship since the death of his wife. With three highly successful "Lethal" outings under their belts, it would have been easy for director Donner and his stars to phone this one in, make a few bucks and move on. But not these guys; Refusing to rest on their laurels, they deliver yet another exceptional, action-packed movie that maintains the quality and consistency of the first three. Gibson and Glover manage to take their characters to yet another level, keeping it all fresh and refusing to cruise through the comfort zone on auto pilot. Russo, as well, turns in another winning performance; she and Gibson really click together, rivaling the kind of chemistry Bogie and Bacall brought to the screen. Their relationship is extremely well developed and handled with skill by Donner, as is the entire story; it all moves ahead quickly and is never allowed to slow down or meander, which keeps the emotional level and tension high throughout the film. The action is possibly the best of any of the series, with some sequences so good they deserve comparison to John Woo's best. Jet Li is absolutely dynamic, and brings a real sense of menace to his character of Ku. For the first time, you get the feeling that Riggs and Murtaugh may be up against more than they can handle by themselves. And even with all this series has going for it already, in this one they manage to introduce yet another character that adds even more to their formula for success: Chris Rock joins the team as Lee Butters, the next generation of law enforcement, an officer with a degree in psychology. He adds some humor to the proceedings, but more than that, he makes Butters likable and seems to have an immediate grasp of who he is and where he fits in. And fit in well he does, essentially becoming the third member of the team. Leo Getz (Joe Pesci) is back as well, this time as a private investigator still trying his best to ingratiate himself with his friends, Riggs and Murtaugh. Interestingly enough, one of the more touching scenes in the film (near the end) develops during a conversation between Getz and Riggs, one that offers the audience (as well as Riggs) some insight into what makes Getz tick. The supporting cast includes Steve Kahan (Capt. Murphy), Darlene Love (Trish), Eddy Ko (Hong) and Mary Ellen Trainor, reprising her role of Police Psychiatrist Dr. Stephanie Woods for the fourth time. Working from another exceptionally well written script (this time by Channing Gibson), Donner and Company have scored yet another triumph with "Lethal Weapon 4," which can stand on it's own, or as a part of one of the best action/drama series ever made. Which one of the four is the best? Toss a coin; these are movies the way they ought to be made."
Great movie to end the series
retrowens | Alabama, USA | 09/09/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I like all the Lethal Weapon movies, and this one is no exception. I don't see why anybody wouldn't like "Lethal Weapon 4" because it's everything most people would expect it to be. It has a lot of fast paced action, good special effects, and a lot of laughs. What made "Lethal Weapon 4" one of the best two of the series in my opinion is the comedy that's in the movie. Without a doubt, it has more comedy in it than the other three movies in the series by far. Some of the funniest parts are when Joe Pesci makes friends with a shark, and the laughing gas scene at the dentist's office. Like always, Mel Gibson and Danny Glover put on great performances, and Joe Pesci is hilarious. I'm not crazy about Chris Rock's stand up comedy show, but he was actually pretty good in this movie. Jet-Li also shows off some of his awesome fighting moves at times in the movie.If you like movies with a lot of action and a lot of comedy, I recommend getting "Lethal Weapon 4.""
The final entry in a great series
Andrew Estes | Maine | 12/15/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I couldn't imagine a better way to end the series than with Lethal Weapon 4. It's a very good movie, with a great plot and great actors. I love how every character in these movies has been played by the same people. The chemistry, not only between Gibson and Glover, but the whole cast is very evident in this movie. It's a little more light-hearted than it's sleazy predecessors, but it is still true to it's form and very entertaining. Jet Li is probably the best enemy yet. They put up quite a fight just to bring him down. Joe Pesci is at his best in this movie, and even softens up a bit (note the Froggy story). Chris Rock was a GREAT addition to the movie as well. He is nothing short of hilarious. His monologue in the car about his childhood was so funny, I don't know how the actors kept a straight face. The ending pretty much sums up the whole series and pretty much confirms that this is the last movie. If you have watched the other Lethal Weapon movies dozens of times like I have, you will love this one just as much."
The Series Is Old (Like The Characters)
C. Butler | Sebring, FL | 11/23/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This film just doesn't cut it when compared to the 1st 3. Gibson's one liners aren't even as funny anymore. I did laugh at times (such as the scene in the dentist's office) but the series is just tired, and I hope that this is the final "LW" film. The tone of the final scene kind of implied that fact, as did the final credits.The film would have been better if the producers had hired one of the writers from the 1st 3 films (such as Jeffrey Boam and Shane Black), but they instead chose to hire someone named Channing Gibson who, as far as I can tell, had nothing to do with the 1st 3 films, and he fails to capture the essence of what made the characters so appealing in the other films.I do have some positive things to say about the film: the final fight sequence between Gibson, Glover, and Jet Li was very well done (albeit gruesome) and Chris Rock was funny. Certain aspects of this film simply weren't believable. At the top of the list is when the car jumped off of the interstate, drove through a high-story office building nearby, and jumped right back onto the interstate. That may work in a James Bond film or Dukes of Hazzard episode,but not here. I also had a hard-time believing that Glover would take in several Chinese aliens without expecting big-time trouble, which is what he ultimately got. The DVD is of good quality though. It contains lost footage from the other 3 films as well as 2 documentaries. If it weren't for that, the film would get 2 stars."
Funny and entertaining!
Shanti Pangestu | USA | 11/22/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I have to make comment on this movie because of my favorite star: Jet Li. It's actually impossible for Mel Gibson to defeat Jet Li in the movie because he is the kung-fu master (in real life too!). But he is so cool. Too bad he's playing an antagonist. If you like him, see Bodyguard from Beijing and the Fist of Legend. When Bodyguard from Beijing was released in 1994, I was sceptical because it is the Asian version of The Bodyguard. I saw it for the first time last week, and to my surprise, I loved it more than the US version. It was action-packed and everything moves very fast. I even felt hesitant to return the tape to the video store because I felt like I haven't watched it enough times:)"