"As Elvis might put it, you can't help falling in love with LILO & STITCH." -- Claudia Puig, USA TODAY. Out-of-this-world storytelling, stunning Disney animation, and wild and irresistible characters are at the heart o... more »f Disney's hilarious new animated adventure. This worldwide box office sensation is a heartwarming comedy about the power of loyalty, friendship, and finding your place in the world. On the lush and tropical Hawaiian Islands, an independent little girl named Lilo adopts what she thinks is an innocent puppy, completely unaware that he is a mischievous creature who has escaped from a faraway planet. Stitch takes Hawaii by storm, wreaking havoc and hanging ten while he evades the alien bounty hunters who are bent on recapturing him. It's an action-packed comedy the whole family will enjoy over and over again.« less
Hands down this movie was a total joy to watch and a must have for any family or movie goer my only regret is that i cant give it more stars.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
CARL H. from KALAMAZOO, MI Reviewed on 5/22/2013...
great fun for all the family. wierd but wonderful. not a traditional disney fluff, but with an odd sensibility that will make you laugh.
1 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Nicole L. (tigerbunny) from LATHROP, CA Reviewed on 10/24/2011...
A really cute movie with a super character, Stitch.
2 of 2 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jeni B. from MADISON, WI Reviewed on 11/1/2010...
Great family movie!
2 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.
Caroline F. (HolyTrinityHome) from BRONX, NY Reviewed on 10/21/2010...
It's a great movie for the whole family! We were laughing the whole time.
3 of 5 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jamie J. (cowleymascot) from LAS VEGAS, NV Reviewed on 9/4/2009...
Good boy disney movie. Lots of fun for the family.
2 of 9 member(s) found this review helpful.
Christina D. from PUEBLO, CO Reviewed on 8/21/2009...
such a fun movie
1 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Mahalo to All Involved in Spreading the Aloha of L&S
AU | Hawai`i and Da Mainland | 06/22/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Aloha ka~kou (Aloha to All of Us),Yesterday, with great anticipation -- yes, with bated breaths -- we, my husband and I who were born in Hawai`i fifty years ago and raised there, went to see LILO AND STITCH at our local theatre, hoping for its unmitigated success and yet knowing it could be yet another dirty bomb unwittingly directed against the Hawaiian culture.We were utterly impressed with LILO & STITCH's shining truth and loved and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the galactic high adventure and its down-to-Earth (literally) endearing story, brimming full of Aloha of the real, day-to-day variety, not the syrupy, touristy stuff. Having been raised with Disney movies, ourselves, we were delighted with its high caliber Disney feel and animation mastery, especially the stunningly gorgeous water-color visuals of our homeland. Co-directors Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois and producer Clark Spencer bolstered our faith in the next generation of moviemakers. I dare say that they are uniquely enlightened young people, wise beyond their years. Certainly, this movie is not yet another run-of-the-mill, Hawaiian-themed fantasy that my generation has come to expect out of Hollywood. We've seen, rolled our eyes upward, and laughed at the ludicrousness of too many hurriedly slapped together movies based on deluded, overly-dramatized or white-washed, idealized visions and versions of Hawaiian culture and its people. Instead, it was clearly evident to us that the research that went into LILO AND STITCH was done with thoroughness, sincerity, concern and care. The result? A movie with a huge sensitivity, concern and Aloha for our endangered Hawaiian and local culture, which, with a combination of "attitude" and sweetness, captures the authentic spirit and genuine warmth, and inner and outer beauty of Hawai`i, especially its unique Aloha Spirit and valuing of `ohana (family). In its unique, far-reaching way, LILO and STITCH -- and Disney -- will help to perpetuate Hawaiian ways, beingness, and arts, as well as our one-of-a-kind local culture. I loved the snippets of pidgin, for most of us, our first language. Tia Carrere and Jason Scott Lee were perfect in their voice roles as Nani and Kawika (David). For a change, true locals playing local roles with every truthful and subtle nuance. Loving Hawaiian music as I do, I am particularly grateful for the inclusion of authentic Hawaiian musicianry: the mesmerizing, lively chants by real-life Hawaiian chanter, Mark Keali`i Ho`omalu, were right-on. The casting of real-life kumu hula (hula master)Kunewa Mook as the voice of the hula teacher in the movie was exactly pono (right and proper); his input on depicting hulas as it is actually danced, and not the swishy hula gibberish of past Hollywood movies was greatly appreciated by us, his peers.And singing by the Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus -- you must have indigenous blood to go to school there -- could not have been truer or more delightful. Ahh.... I am going out to buy the CD ASAP!Of course, we grew up with Elvis' classic tunes, so we absolutely loved the resurrection of his songs as well as Wynonna's rendition of "Burning Love." A perfect balance to the Hawaiian music. Pono, which means not only right and proper, but balanced.We spotted only one glaring mistake: the shaka ("all is cool") sign as depicted in the movie at the end. They got the fingers right, but the way they did it, it's only half of the shakkah sign. As it was, it stopped as the Texas Longhorn symbol. Locals then swivel their wrist, 180 degrees, completing the local sign with the BACK of the hand toward the viewer. Oh well, as we say in Hawai`i: "Ain't no big t'ing, braddah" as the moviemakers can fix that faux pas for the video version. A big MAHALO (THANK YOU) to all involved, viewers included, who make LILO & STITCH the sharing movie it is. Spread the Aloha.Me ke Aloha..."
Great for kids AND adults
W. K. Miller | NC, USA | 06/04/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Disney's 2002 summer release, Lilo and Stitch is about a lonesome Hawaiian girl named Lilo, who adopts a cute little dog named Stitch. Only Stitch isn't a dog-- he's a genetically modified fugitive from another planet, designed only for destruction! Stitch has never had anyone to love-- Lilo teaches him the meaning of love.The setting is Hawaii, and, except for the score, there are no original songs. All the songs are by Elvis Presley!Plenty of jokes here for kids, and plenty of jokes for adults too, just like in The Emperor's New Groove. Kids will not likely get the adults jokes, such as references to other movies like Men In Black, and Jaws. Some of the voice actors are Tia Carrere, Jason Scott Lee, Kevin McDonald, David Ogden Stiers, and Ving Rhames-- this makes the movie more fun for adults as well.Although this is rated PG (for some action scenes) I think you will agree with me when I say that Disney had been getting away with putting PG action/violence in G movies for some time (think of The Lion King, or Hercules). Lilo and Stitch is likely good for all ages (all but the youngest kids, anyway).The treat of the summer!ken32"
Once again Disney succeeds in bringing back tradition!
Ahmed | Canada | 07/08/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's Classic and sci-fi? Yes! These days it was like Disney's old original animated features were really bombed at the box-office (e.g. emperor's new groove). It was as if only Pixar productions really mattered (Monsters Inc.). Well not anymore, this week ranking over $100 million at the box-office-Lilo &Stitch is really great! It's a funny lovable story and his hard not to like. Unlike most traditional Disney features where a lot of the characters are similar to older cartoons, this feature has unique characters with hard-not-to like personalities. It's extremely funny and adults as well as kids will love it! It show's the traditional Hawaiian way of life clearly as it entertains you without boring you for a minute!
At the beginning of the feature when Stitch is shown you'd think "Oh no! Yet another try to make an animated version of independence day!" But soon you'd stop. It's very entertaining and is not about another war to save the earth. The story is about an alien planet where a young blue alien was created illegally (Stitch). Stitch is dangerous and loves ruining stuff (for example ruining Belle's ballroom sequence from Beauty &the beast). At a pound in Hawaii he's found by a little loving girl "Lilo" who has to tame him unless she wants him to go away.
The story is unique and unlike any other animated feature before. It in a way could be called the animated version of E.T sharing the same loving-caring theme that E.T. did following up records at the box-office. Beautifully painted scenes and brightly-coloured lands make the scenery enjoyable. It's much more enjoyable and original than "Spirit". It's like returning to Disney and reliving the magic of Disney. A beautiful creation like this hasn't been seen from Disney in years! It's a goofy Scooby-Doo (cartoon version) type pranks n tricks film. It's a cartoon that proves that older traditional Disney features are still loved today! It's not a usual flick that has villains. But it still is a Mulan-type character- strong and kind. Although like most cartoons it carries a fairy-tale type fantasy plot, (the alien) not including the alien it's like a reality film. The film does have a few sad atmospheres but still it's one you'd want to see. The Elvis sounds are very different from what you'd expect to hear in a Disney cartoon set in Hawaii but the fact is that it makes it even more enjoyable! The climax of the film is just as exciting and astonishing as the Lion King take-over and the Beauty and the Beast defense system. It's a film that hopefully will win the best animated feature Oscar! Maybe it'll be nominated for best picture?(Beauty and the beast did!). It's like a blue koala trapped in a beautiful Tomb Raider (game version) scene!
Basically if you're looking for a hearty, sad, exciting, loving, funny, enjoyable, beautiful creation-you've come to look in the right place. It's what the traditional Disney features were all about. It's what you may not find very often nowadays! It's Lilo &Stitch!
Something new and wonderful from Disney.
Mary J. Alderdice | Washington DC Metro Area, US | 07/09/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I had two primary concerns prior to seeing Lilo & Stitch. First, I'm always leery of movies centered around subjects or themes important to me, lest they screw it up, and this movie takes place in Hawaii, which I shall always consider my home. Second, any liberties that would be taken with the movie would be taken by Disney. I've been conflicted about Disney for several years. Lately, I've had a hard time forgetting about their slapdash animation, their overly liberal portrayal of historical events, and their hamfisted marketing and distribution methods, no matter how alluring the story might be. To say I was pleasantly surprised by Lilo & Stitch would be an understatement. I loved the movie. They made a couple of geographical errors with regard to Kauai, but that's ok, and I doubt much of their audience would notice. They didn't portray Hawaiians as living in grass shacks in sunny paradise where everything is easy and happy. They even had a couple of characters who sounded right (and believe me, a lot of getting Hawaii right is getting the voices right). I felt that the old- school watercolor backgrounds were a perfect match for the soft, laid-back, atmosphere of Kauai. They went out of their way to include any number of little details that made the movie feel like it was set in Hawaii, and not in some designer's idea of what Hawaii is like based upon a bunch of travel brochures and years of hearing "Tiny Bubbles." (The detail to the foot work in the hula sequences alone were a delight. And the shave ice. And the slippers. And the Hawaiian quilts. And... You get the idea.) Even more than all of that, however, was the story. A wonderful blend of slapstick, sadness, hope, fear, desperation, humor, joy, and sentimentality (you didn't think you'd get out of a Disney movie without the sentimentality, did you?). As with many of the more recent Disney movies, it is obvious that an effort was made to make Lilo & Stitch attractive to more than the keikis (children) in the family. Many of the jokes are aimed at the adult viewer, and there is a good bit of violence and disobedience in the movie (Stitch really is a handful). In case you haven't heard, this story is about ohana (family), but focuses not on the traditional nuclear family, or even the extended biological families that are so common in much of Asia. Instead, Disney goes out of their way to make it clear that anyone can be family, so long as you love and care about one another. I think that this worked particularly well in the Hawaii setting, where every woman in your family's lives can be called "Auntie." I also found it refreshing to have this sort of non- traditional family brought to the forefront and shown to work. Sure, life isn't easy, but whose is? As for the individual characters... I loved them all, but Lilo is my hero. I want to be her when I grow up. Rather, I think that any number of girls who grew up on the outside, maybe a little more imaginative, a little less overtly 'girly', will relate to Lilo. The sadness, the rebelliousness, the eagerness to make friends while not having any idea how to do so. It all resonated with me. Lilo's sister Nani's anguish at trying to be a good mother years ahead of her time while dealing with her own sorrow is very believeable, as is David's earnest devotion to Nani. Even the fantastic characters (Cobra Bubbles, Jumba, and Pleakley, and others) are delightful in their roles. And then, of course, there's Stitch. It comes as no surprise that Stitch is the catalyst for many of the events in the movie, and that his interactions with Lilo are paramount to the story (it is, after all, named "Lilo & Stitch"). However, I think that, unlike many of Disney's foils in the past, Stitch stands up as a real and loveable character in his own right. All in all, I found Lilo & Stitch to be a delightful surprise that had me alternately homesick for my home state of Hawaii, laughing out loud, and sniffling into a tissue. If this is the direction Disney will be taking with their full-length feature films, then perhaps I can stop being quite so leery."
Disney Magic At Its Best!
harvestteen5 | USA | 08/30/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Combining whimsical, unforgettable characters, an iminative story, and colorful artistry, Walt Disney Pictures' delightful new animated comedy, "Lilo and Stitch," tells a captivating tale of a young girl's close encounter with the galaxy's most wanted extraterrestrial. Lilo is a lonely Hawaiian girl who adopts a small ugly 'dog,' whom she names Stitch. Stitch would be the perfect pet if he weren't in reality a genetic experiment who has escaped from an alien planet and crash-landed on Earth. Through her love, faith and unwavering belief in "ohana" (the hawaiian concept of family), Lilo helps unlock Stitch's heart and gives him the one thing he was never designed to have - the ability to care for someone else. With its lush tropical setting, unique sense of of humor, and classic songs by Elvis Presley, "Lilo and Stitch" manages to capture imaginations everywhere. Lilo and Stitch takes place on the Hawaiian island of kauai(A real Hawaiian island, infact the opening scene with Lilo in the water is supposed to be Kauai Hanalei Bay). The animation is done by watercolors, which have not been used in any film since Dumbo- sixty years ago! 12 year old Daveigh Chase(Donnie Darko, The Ring) is truly outstanding in this movie! Her voice work for Lilo really makes you feel that it is a real girl! The only other disney movie that had truly good Kid voice acting was The Lion King. However this tops The Lion King! I couldn't believe that a young girl could have such a wide emotional range to pull of the part of Lilo! Overall this was my favorite movie this summer(and I have seen almost every one)!. When Picasso once said, "Art is a lie that tells us the truth", he must have been speaking specifically about animation. Many scenes in the movie make my heart break because of the sadness of them. In the end, animated movies are all about real people, and that is why I love to watch them. This movie is so good that it deserves to win a academy award for Best Animated Feature, if not Best Picture. Daveigh Chase should win a Best Actress Avademy Award for her outstanding performance as Lilo in Walt Disney's "Lilo & Stitch". I would absolutly give this move more than five stars if it was possible!"