A trip to Chicago makes Charles and Mary appreciate their home ? Laura and Mary witness the drowning of a friend ? Andy and Laura become crime investigators ? Outlaw, Jesse James, and his brother hide out in Walnut Grove -... more » Nellie falls in love and makes wedding plans ? Laura finds a mysterious message that leads her to an abandoned baby ? Charles inherits some money from a relative - Caroline becomes pregnant with their fourth child ? The Ingalls are devastated by the news that Mary is going blind - These and all of the other exciting adventures from the entire Fourth Season are presented in this Special Collector?s Edition!« less
"This television series is based on the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder (1867-1957), who wrote the story of her family's life on the prairie. I read these books growing up and then loved the TV series as well. Michael Landon, that I had seen on "Bonanza", was the icing on the cake: one of my favorite actors helping to tell one of my favorite stories. Here's an episode guide, with a tiny description: 1. Castoffs: Pa gives Laura a new dog after her dog Jack dies. She doesn't want a new dog. 2. Times Of Change: Charles and Mary are very disappointed in what life in Chicago is really like.
3. My Ellen: Friend Ellen drowns and Ellen's mother thinks that Laura is her daughter.4. The Handyman: When Charles is away, Mary suspects that Caroline and a hired man are falling in love.
5. The Wolves: After Laura and Andy set up a pen for wolf cubs in the barn, wild dogs try to get into the barn.6.. The Creeper of Walnut Grove: Laura and Andy try to figure who is stealing things in Walnut Grove with hilarious results.7. To Run And Hide: Dr. Baker finds a new doctor for the town after he loses a patient, only to find that the new doctor may not be so dedicated.8. The Aftermath: Jesse and Frank James take hostages.9. The High Cost Of Being Right: After their barn burns down, Mr. Garvey's wife gets a job in spite his objections. 10. The Fighter: Charles boxes a man who turns out to be very ill.11. Meet Me At The Fair: At the fair, Carrie climbs into the basket of a hot air balloon.12. Here Come The Brides: A newcomer falls in love with Miss Beadle, and Nellie Oleson falls in love with the newcomer's son.
13. Freedom Flight: The citizens of Walnut Grove are hostile toward an Indian boy and his sick father.14. The Rivals: Charles tries to save his business from a competitor. Laura competes with another girl for a boy that she loves.15. Whisper Country: As a new teacher in a backwoods community, Mary gets opposition from a resident who tries to convince everyone that a school isn't needed. 16. I Remember, I Remember: On Charles and Caroline's wedding anniversary, Charles is unable to make it home on time. 17. Be My Friend: Laura and her Pa find a baby.
18. The Inheritance: Charles spends an inheritance and then discovers the money is worthless.19. The Stranger: Mr Oleson sends his nephew to Charles to learn some morals.
20. A Most Precious Gift: Caroline has a new baby.
21. I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away (1): Mary goes blind.
22. I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away (2): Mary goes to a blind school in Iowa.I hope that Goldhil Home Media corrects what were problems in early season DVD's with some audio and visual quality problems, cut scenes, and episodes out of order. The improvements we saw in the third season included chapters within episodes, and credits with each episode. Although LHOTP was geared toward children, many adults watch it. I hope that whoever is putting season 4 together has realized that and makes the other needed improvements! This is a five star show and deserves five star DVD treatment!"
Keep them coming!
A. Grace | Michigan | 01/08/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"For those who'd like to know, here is the in-order list of episodes from Season Four, which first aired from September 1977 to March 1978. Memorable moments include the death of Laura's beloved dog Jack (and the introduction of his replacement Bandit), a near divorce of the Garveys (that concludes in the judge pronouncing both of them "crazy,"), Carrie's adventures in a hot-air balloon, the birth of Grace Ingalls, Mary's dealing with blindness, and the introduction of Adam Kendall. Thanks to all involved in the DVD release of this beloved TV series! I can't wait to buy this one!Castoffs
Times of Change
My Ellen
The Handyman
The Wolves
The Creeper of Walnut Grove
To Run and Hide
The Aftermath
The High Price of Being Right
The Fighter
Meet Me at the Fair
Here Come the Brides
Freedom Flight
The Rivals
Whisper Country
I Remember, I Remember
Be My Friend
The Inheritance
The Stranger
A Most Precious Gift
I'll be Waving As You Drive Away, Parts One and Two"
New Arrivals ...Wonderful Moments...DVDs Need Some Work
L. Shirley | fountain valley, ca United States | 02/26/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Season 4 of the Little House series brings lots of firsts. The first season with the Garvey's, the first appearance by Kezia, the arrival of baby Grace, Joe Kagen is introduced, it is the season that Mary loses her sight, but meets Adam Kendall, and of course in the very first episode we meet "Bandit". We say goodbye to "Jack" the dog and the Edwards family is also gone with no explanation(maybe Harriet has them tied up somewhere!).
It is a season filled with emotion, love and a sprinkling of comedy. The girls are a little older and dealing with joys and woes of life. Mary and Pa visit Chicago, and both are in for big disappointments in "Times of Change". Doc Baker decides to pack up his medicine bag and become a farmer when he loses a patient in "To Run and Hide". Divorce is a frightening word in Walnut Grove as Johnathon and Alice Garvey cannot agree in "The High Cost of Being Right", but will leave you smiling in the end. "The Fighter" is one of my personal favorites, as Charles cares for an aging and weary Joe Kagen. Laura and Pa both discover that trying to be something you're not will not always bring the intented results in "The Rivals". Mary goes toe to toe with Miss Peal in her first teaching assignment and discovers she is up against a powerful woman in "Whisper Country". "Here Come the Brides", will have you chuckling out loud as Harriet is aghast at Nellie's romance with a pig farmer. You'll be smilin and sighin as Caroline recalls memories of her first date with a young Charles in "I Remember, I Remember". "A Most Precious Gift" has an expecting Caroline obsessed with wanting a boy, and just try and keep a dry eye in the very emotional rollercoaster Mary takes us one as she loses her sight, is devastated, and then finds her calling after Pa sends her to a school for the blind in the very touching 2 parter "I'll Be Waving As You Drive Away".
Those are just a few of the highlights. There are 21 of these wonderful stories, that may be enjoyed by the entire family. A total of 18 hours of viewing pleasure(6 discs). This is vintage TV, that hasn't lost a bit of it's appeal and will surely be viewed repeatedly, and by each new generation.
Okay the DVDs....For the most part the picture was clear with good color. This varied though from disc to disc and sometimes even episode to episode. There were a couple that were full of dirt and scratches. The bigger problem would be in the editing. The transition from scenes to scene where the commercials used to be is awful. Sometimes they even cut someone off in mid-sentence. It's almost like going in to your favorite resaurtant, ordering your favorite dish, only to find that it was prepared by a different Chef.
There is a phamphlet in the case(same fold out type as the first three seasons), that lists all the episodes with a brief summary, which is very nice, especially if you are looking for a particular story. The special features indicated on the pamphlet and box, and also on the buying info here are not exaclty what they say. First of all, there is closed-captioning listed. I could not find this anywhere on any menu of any disc. The Special Feature.."Looking Back at Season 4"(found on disc 3) are moments and memories from the show recalled by some of the stars, and it's real intersting stuff, but...these are not live interviews, they are in the form of notes. I was a bit disappointed with that. There is scene selection for each episode, with about 5 stops, that's pretty good for a 45 minute view.
The stories are wonderful. The little town of Walnut Grove and it's occupants feel like home and family, and are exceptionally inspiring. David Rose's music as always sets the perfect tone for each character and event. 5 stars for the season. I will continue to purchase and view each and every season. The way they leave you feeling outweighs the few problems I mentioned. However, there really needs to be some subtitles for those who need them, and the transfers need a little work.
Enjoy Season 4......Laurie
Disappointing DVD treatment for a great show...
lfratan@acad.udallas.edu | 06/01/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
""Little House on the Prairie" needs no defense or praise: it was a fabulous show, it easily could have lasted longer on television, and it remains eminently watchable and rewatchable today. Unfortunately, the show has suffered in DVD treatment. Many episodes are inexplicably cut, as if they were taken from a TBS rerun feed instead of the original film. The picture quality could also be much better. It is unfortunate that such a fabulous show has suffered so on DVD. LHOTP deserves better. I wish I could recommend these DVDs, but perhaps with enough fan complaint better editions (maybe also with some extras!) will one day become available."
Watershed Fourth Season for Little House
Silver Screen | Atlanta, GA USA | 06/19/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Season 4 of Little House probably has the most turmoil and changes for little Walnut Grove and its townspeople as of yet.
In this season, Laura's beloved dog Jack dies (of old age) and she is so distraught that she cannot accept the family's new pet, Bandit; Charles and Mary travel to Chicago, where Charles calls himself a dumb farmer and Mary finds out that her fiance John is no longer in love with her; Charles goes away for business and handyman Chris is hired to finish the kitchen for Caroline, in the process falling in love with her; Doc Baker loses a patient in a fall and decides that he is no longer a good doctor and decides to become a farmer instead; Alice and Jonathan Garvey nearly divorce over Alice working; Jesse and Frank James hide out from the law in Walnut Grove; Miss Beadle falls in love with farmer Adam Simms, Nellie falls in love with Adam's son Luke, and both run off to get married (only the elder Simms' marriage is a keeper); Mary gets her first teaching job, in a backwoods country; the Ingalls family learns of a big inheritance, causing their old friends to think they will be putting on airs and Mrs. Oleson to want to rub shoulders with them; the Ingalls family welcomes Baby Grace; Mary begins to lose her eyesight and after becoming blind, goes to a special school in Iowa; with the town's resources and economy faltering due to the railroad, the Ingalls family decides to follow Mary to Winoka, Dakota, where she has a teaching job with her instructor, Adam.
The last two episodes of this season are two of the very finest that Little House would ever produce. The emotions are raw and very much on the surface. The acting is stellar - - in fact, Melissa Sue Anderson was nominated for an Emmy for her work as Mary in the two part episode.
Additionally, characters such as Bandit the dog, Kezia, Joe Kagan and Adam Kendall would make their first appearances during this season. And established characters such as Jack the dog, Miss Beadle (Mrs. Simms)and John Sanderson mark their final appearances during this season.
All in all, a turning point for Little House and Walnut Grove and the end of the "early" episodes. But nonetheless, a stellar season and chock full of classic episodes. A must have and a must see for these beloved characters!"