Not what it could have been--but far better than nothing.
E. Spooner | 01/12/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I suppose one should start out with the 'bad' here.Cons:1. Merely adequate visual and audio. While certainly serviceable, the overall quality of the presentation isn't what one has come to expect from the DVD format.2. No continuity of episodes. It's bad enough that the episodes are being parceled out like this, but it's as though the episodes chosen were purely at random. The episodes have nothing to do with one another. They're not even from the same season!3. Severe editing. The credits for each episode have been expunged here. All one gets is one credit crawl at the very end of all the episodes only covering one of the episodes shown! Very poor choice there (and one would think it would violate SAG bylaws...). Also, one doesn't get to view the opening credits before each episode; it too is only shown once for all four.The only 'extra' consists of a new music video featuring Hilary Duff's first single, "I Can't Wait".Pros:It's "Lizzie McGuire" on DVD! :-)At the end of the day, one gets the feeling that Disney rushed this project in order to cash in on the current "Lizzie-Mania" that has swept the land. But they've had so much time to get all their ducks in a row, one should (and does) expect better from the product. Disney knows that the fans will eat up anything "Lizzie" related right now--sub par or not.However, barring an expanded version at some point, this is all we've got, and as such is worth buying. A flawed "Lizzie" DVD is better than no "Lizzie" DVD."
Great Show, But we need a Season 2 set
E. Spooner | Overland Park, Kansas United States | 05/18/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I'm 21 and I still love this show. I think it is a lot more intellegent than a lot of other shows geared towards teens these days. The reviewer who made the comment about the blonde girl always getting the cute guy, obviously they haven't even watched the series. Lizzie's central theme is about friendship and family, NOT about getting the guy. In fact, Lizzie never "gets the guy", so to speak. And the main male character in the show isn't the "cute" one. He's the nerdy, smart one. Lizzie is also not the popular girl, her and her friends get a lot of grief from the popular crowd, and this show has much better character development and depth to it than any other Disney "teen" series I have seen."
Lizzie Mcguire is fine!
E. Spooner | 05/21/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I just want to say that some people think that Lizzie Mcguire isn't for people under thirteen, and that's not true! It is mostly for those pre-teen girls. It's not really for guys, or girls under the age of ten, but not because there's something bad about it, it's just that there's this episode about Lizzie getting a bra, and about five or six episodes where she has a crush on somebody. I don't recommend it for boys of any age though."