Whitney B. (whitneyab) from COOPERSBURG, PA
Reviewed on 1/27/2024...
In the near future, a weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) cares for an ailing Professor X (Patrick Stewart) at a remote outpost on the Mexican border. His plan to hide from the outside world gets upended when he meets a young mutant (Dafne Keen) who is very much like him. Logan must now protect the girl and battle the dark forces that want to capture her.
0 of 1 member(s) found this review helpful.
Jewl W. (wallja99) from STEVENS POINT, WI
Reviewed on 5/29/2017...
I do not agree with the others on here. Worst X-men movie. So much language. Why does Hollywood feel that a movie is not good unless everyone is swearing every third word. The acting was good but the plot sucked. Turned Wolverine, Charles into Less than X-men am sorry to say I rented it and I watched it.
3 of 4 member(s) found this review helpful.