Walter K. (WalterKuzens) from CLACKAMAS, OR
Reviewed on 4/10/2023...
I don't mind suspending disbelief, especially for movies like this, but when the writing is so terrible that the "incredible" events taking place instead seem ridiculous, it's pretty tough. Take, for example, the scene that made me turn the movie off. A group of motorcycle riders are shooting at the bulletproof window of a fleeing vehicle. The bullets, as you can imagine, do not penetrate the glass. Then the driver slams on the brakes and one of the motorcycle riders collides with the back of the vehicle, sending him crashing through the window. This is the same window that just moments ago was impervious to bullets. A person smashing into the back of a vehicle is hitting at maybe 50mph while a bullet travels 2600 feet per second, so which do you think has a better chance of breaking through that glass? It made me laugh out loud at the absurdity of it, which basically brought right "out" of the movie and into reality, where I realized I was definitely wasting my time watching this junk.
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