Armed with a large amount of cocaine, a young man attemts to win back his ex-girlfriend at her going away party.
Genre: Feature Film-Drama
Rating: R
Release Date: 3-APR-2007
Media Type: DVD
Nymphadora T. (Nymphadora) from GLENDALE, AZ Reviewed on 12/24/2008...
Wow... what a waste of 30 minutes of my life. I say that because I gave this movie 30 minutes to impress me and it failed miserably. I really didn't care about one single character in this waste of film.
This now brings me to Chris Evans, the young hottie from Fantastic Four and Sunshine. What the hell did they do to this guy to make him so ugly? You see flashbacks of him with Jessica Biel where he is clean cut, ripped, pretty hot, and then we come to our present day shots where I just want to give him a bath! I can't feel sorry for a guy who whines about his girlfriend leaving him when he looks like a filthy drug addict who just rolled out of a dumpster.
This leaves only Jessica Biel. I really don't know what this chick was thinking when she took this part. I couldn't help but think of Drea de Matteo in the Sopranos as I watched Jessica on screen. She looked like a whore, talked like a whore... I mean, why were we supposed to care about her?
All around this was a trainwreck that wasn't even good enough to keep your eyes on.
3 of 3 member(s) found this review helpful.
Movie Reviews
Really Good
Joshua Miller | Coeur d'Alene,ID | 05/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
""London" reunites almost the entire cast of "Cellular" (Chris Evans, Jessica Biel, and Jason Statham) as well as Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers) and Kelli Garner (Thumbsucker) for this underappreciated and, in my opinion, very well done movie. The movie got terrible reviews and was even called "boring" by Richard Roeper. When a film critic calls a movie boring, you know there's something up. I knew I would like this movie, but I saw myself giving it a B- or even a C. Oddly enough, I loved this movie. The movie stars Evans as Syd. Syd is a cokehead who is suffering from the breakup of his girlfriend of two years, London (Biel). They've been broken up for a little over 6 months and Syd has become a sort of empty shell; He frequently dreams about her and such. Then, Syd recieves a phone call and finds out that London is having a going away party...Apparently, she's moving to L.A. to live with her new boyfriend. Shocked by the news, Syd meets up with a guy named Bateman (Statham) who sells him some blow and Syd insists that Bateman tag along with him to the party. When they arrive, Syd and Bateman head up to the bathroom and talk about their problems, God, and love. This is pretty much what 3/4 of the movie is. The other 1/4 of it is the flashbacks Syd has about London and when he finally confronts her at the party. The biggest complaint from critics was the bathroom scene...It was too long and the conversations were dull. Well, if you're going to see it and don't know about the long bathroom sequences...Yes, maybe they are long and dull. If you're going to see and know about these scenes, however, they might not be as bad. I found the scenes to fit perfectly in the movie. The dialogue in the film is really good and has an improvised feel to it. Statham and Evans are great and really get to show off their acting skills. Even Biel is good as London. The end of the movie isn't necessarily what you hope for, but it's realistic and in that sense is perfect. I'm not guaranteeing everyone will like this movie, most people will agree with Ebert & Roeper. I'm not using this review to convince anyone, but am merely sharing my opinions. Hope you like it.
There is sex scenes in the film, but as far as showing Jessica Biel naked; The director teases you. The camera will move upward right as she gets out of bed or the place she's standing will be darkened. So, if you're renting this movie for the sole reason of catching a glimpse of a nude-Jessica Biel. This movie is definitley not for you.
Nice Lesson
-*-Miss Lady-*- | from Detroit, lost in NC | 07/06/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. It was about a guy who was in a relationship with a girl for 2 years and then gets dumped and can't move on. Then she ends up getting ready to move in with her new beau 6 months later, and the entire movie consists of flashbacks of the good and bad of their relationship. It also has some excellent supporting characters with some interesting stories. My favorite is the main character's dealer, who is mentally scarred over losing his wife because of things that are beyond his control.
The movie makes you walk away with several things to think about. First of all, you're not the only one who knows pain, everyone has their own story and your personal hell is no more painful than the next guy's. Secondly, it shows you that whatever you're going through, chances are you're not going through it alone. Sometimes you have to reach out to that other person so that they can hear you say I need you. Or, I love you. And the most important lesson of all is that Life will move on with or without you, and sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to just let go.
I loved this movie. I loved everything about it. Watch it. You will too."
For a First Film, LONDON Shows Promise
Grady Harp | Los Angeles, CA United States | 05/31/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Hunter Richards makes his writing and directing debut with this quirky, odd, strenuous, frustrating, noisy...but pretty polished little low budget movie LONDON. While this film will not garner a big audience, for those who see it there will be keen anticipation of Richards next outing.
London (Jessica Biel, a beautiful and talented screen presence) is a frustrated lover of Syd (Chris Evans, likewise a hunky and very fine actor): Syd is strung out on coke and though passionate as a lover he is unable to verbalize 'I love you' to fill London's needs for intimacy. All of this information we receive trough flashbacks and dream sequences as the film takes place in one day - the day London is leaving after a farewell party in her honor. Syd is self-destructive as well as actively aggressive, and while not invited to London's party, he crashes it with his dealer Bateman (Jason Statham, who sports hair here and an even more impressive acting outing). The crux of the story takes place in an extended bathroom conversation during which time both men do lines of coke and swigs of tequila and compare notes: Syd bemoans his loss of London and his regrets while Bateman violently compares his loss of potency to be a far greater problem. All manner of topics arise, not the least of which is Syd's atheism and his lack of belief in just about everything. His sole reason for attending London's party is to win back her love, but coke and the shallowness of Syd's character prevent that.
Interesting situation, here: Evans, Biel, and Statham all give fine performances but their characters engender absolutely no empathy from the viewer. Perhaps this is Hunter Richards' concept: drugs destroy the minds of otherwise very strong people, that temporary highs prevent appreciation of the immediate matrix that can grow into something lasting and valuable. Yes, the script is preachy and full of gross dialogue, but the underpinnings of good filmmaking are evident enough to make us aware that Hunter Richards has talent. And it is always a pleasure to see actors heretofore accepted as eye candy prove they can take on beefy tough roles that stretch their acting abilities. Grady Harp, May 06"
Not a perfect film, but still a well executed one
W. Hillinger | Deerfield, Il USA | 08/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I first saw this on line, by rental, and i really liked it. The characters feel real, flawed and possibly unlikeable, with an in the moment story line. You can't just tell someone "don't see this move", it desperatly depends on the person. Yes there is sexual explicit talk and detail converations of experiences the characters have had but it has the realism of real life conversations. Yes, the amount of drugs they ingest is astronomically impossible for them to still have resonable conversations, but that is the only bold flaw in the film. I love these kind of films, real life situations. Such as, "Before Sunrise" and " Before Sunset", witch are brilliant films.
So, in closing, this has flaws but overall makes up for them in the end."
A movie for movie buffs only
Victor V. Popov | Silver Spring, Md | 08/04/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I love finding movies that had I not seen on tv I would know nothing about. This movie is very rich in dialog and its a dialog movie. Its just a glimpse of one couples life in america in our time period. Just like apinting a portrait or snapping a picture, this movie captures a glimpse of our time period and brilliantly. The characters all have dark sides which I personally loved. Lastly I wanna give this movie 5 stars because I wanna balance the overall rating. Great movie."