Great Film, Lousy DVD. Inexcusable.
John Medernach | Los Angeles, CA | 10/21/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"The film is quite good, I'd say 4 stars. Not Barbara Steele's or Antonio Margheriti's best (that's probably Black Sunday/Castle of Blood), but a very good, enjoyable film.
But this DVD is really lame. For more, see the other review here, but suffice it to say, these guys obviously encoded an old worn-out VHS tape with bad audio built-in and acted like it's a serious DVD. No, it's terrible. I guess if it's the only way to see the movie it's worth a rent on bargain day, but otherwise forget it, and avoid releases by this company. Even worse than Alpha video. (I never thought I'd ever be saying that!)"
Only Buy This Used
Bob the Bear | At the Mountains of Madness | 05/05/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The company who released this is charging way too much for it. If it was a cheapie $7.99 (or whatever) DVD then I wouldn't complain. I love budget DVDs ( thank you Alpha Video! ) but, the list price of this release is insulting. VERY poor quality transfer, VERY. Its a shame too, Long Hair of Death is a great flick. Cool period setting, good production design, engaging story, spooky, its my favorite Barbara Steele movie. If you've never seen it before and are desparate then buy it used or on sale. Shame on you Eclectic DVD Distribution!.......ya jerks."
Classic film-bad dvd-PLEASE read!
Badwolf | Collinsport, Ma | 10/14/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I gotta ask the question, does the other reviewer who posted a review really have a clue about dvd quailty or are they so desperate to own this movie that they will accept a poor product? If you you think this release looks good, what is "good" in your opinion?
Let's start off with the BIG problem, the soundtrack is SO off that lips stop moving before dialog is spoken....Hello? This is good quality? The dubbing is HORRIBLE! Washed out video wtih plenty of flaws and NO remastering at all does not make a good release in any form-SORRY! How can you be so excited about this cheapo version when for nearly the same amount of money "Castle of Blood" is 1000 times better looking and packaged. In fact, even Alpha Video's "Terror Creatures From the Grave" for half the price (say 5.99) looks better. I could live with the washed out video but the dubbing is almost hysterical. There are many sources for these old film prints, why not look for a good one and spend the money to develop a decent product?
This company Sinema Diable has released many "out of print" or should we say "public domain" titles for around 10.00 when they quality is worth 1.00. This movie has been circulating on dvd and vhs for years from many collector websites and in better shape than this dvd. I have seen better dubbed versions. This is fact. I watched both versions side by side and compared the quality.
I can now remaster a movie on my home computer (I have done so with my old home movies) with basic software-so in my opinion in 2005, there is no excuse for any film/dvd company to not do a perfect job in bringing "classic" films to the public and in decent shape. Certainly, the cost is not that high to clean up and master a movie-no excuses-sorry, I don't want to hear it.
This is one of my favorite, if not my fave Barbara Steele film and it's makes me mad that this release is so crappy-"Long Hair" deserves more and I expected more for this movie!
I guess maybe I am not over the other horrible quality releases from Sinema Diable. I am not trying to be picky where "rare" films are concerned, but this dvd should not be praised for qualilty on any level. If you think this release surpasses your expectations, in all fairness, not to be rude, you need to raise your standards."